xtree 0.1.8

A simple general purpose tree data structure.
use crate::tree::Tree;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use crate::children_iter::{ChildrenIter, ChildrenIterMut};

/// A immutable Cursor can freely visit node in tree
pub struct Cursor<'a,T> {
    pub (in crate) root : &'a Tree<T>,
    pub (in crate) parents : Vec<&'a Tree<T>>,
    pub (in crate) now : &'a Tree<T>,

impl<'a,T> Cursor<'a,T> {
    /// Move this cursor to the specified child
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if 'at' >= children_count()
    pub fn move_child(&mut self,at : usize){
        if at < self.children_count() {
            self.now = self.now.children.get(at).unwrap();//no failure
            panic!("Cursor::move_child(): index {} is out of children's length",at);

    /// move this cursor to its parent.
    /// Do nothing if it is already in the root node.
    pub fn move_parent(&mut self){
        if let Some(parent) = self.parents.pop(){
            self.now = parent;

    /// Move this cursor to its root.
    /// Do nothing if it is already in the root node.
    pub fn move_root(&mut self){
        self.now = self.root;

    /// Return the reference to the current
    pub fn current(&self) -> &'a T {

    /// Get the count of children in current node
    pub fn children_count(&self) -> usize {

    /// Get a immutable children iterator
    pub fn children(&self) -> ChildrenIter<'a,T>{
            raw_iter: self.now.children.iter()

    /// Return true if current node is the root
    pub fn is_root(&self) -> bool {

    /// Return true if current node is a leaf
    pub fn is_leaf(&self) -> bool {

/// A mutable Cursor can freely visit node in tree
pub struct CursorMut<'a,T>{
    pub (in crate) root : *mut Tree<T>,
    pub (in crate) parents : Vec<*mut Tree<T>>,
    pub (in crate) now : *mut Tree<T>,
    pub (in crate) _marker : PhantomData<&'a T>

impl<'a,T> CursorMut<'a,T>{
    /// Move this cursor to the specified child
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if 'at' >= children_count()
    pub fn move_child(&mut self,at : usize){
        if at < self.children_count() {
            self.now = unsafe{&mut *self.now}.children.get_mut(at).unwrap();//no failure
            panic!("CursorMut::move_child(): index {} is out of children's length",at);

    /// move this cursor to its parent.
    /// Do nothing if it is already in the root node.
    pub fn move_parent(&mut self){
        if let Some(parent) = self.parents.pop(){
            self.now = parent;

    /// Move this cursor to its root.
    /// Do nothing if it is already in the root node.
    pub fn move_root(&mut self){
        self.now = self.root;

    /// Return the reference to the current
    pub fn current(&self) -> &'a mut T {
        &mut unsafe{&mut *self.now}.data

    /// Get the count of children in current node
    pub fn children_count(&self) -> usize {

    /// Get a immutable children iterator
    pub fn children(&self) -> ChildrenIterMut<'a,T>{
            raw_iter: unsafe{&mut *self.now}.children.iter_mut()

    /// Return true if current node is the root
    pub fn is_root(&self) -> bool {

    /// Return true if current node is a leaf
    pub fn is_leaf(&self) -> bool {

    /// Remove a sub-tree and consume the cursor<br>
    /// return None when current node is root
    pub fn remove(self) -> Option<Tree<T>>{
        if self.is_root() {
            let parent = unsafe{&mut **self.parents.last().unwrap()};
            let mut index = 0;
            for (i,ptr) in parent.children.iter().enumerate() {
                if (ptr as *const _) == self.now {
                    index = i;

    /// Add a sub-tree to children of current node
    pub fn add_child(&mut self,tree : Tree<T>){
        unsafe{&mut *self.now}.children.push(tree);
