xstream-util 1.0.0

A command line tool to split a stream to child processes
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A command line tool to split a stream by a delimiter and pipe each section to a child process.


cargo install xstream-util


For a simple illustration of the speed up for reasonably sized streams, the following simple benchmark compares generating 1001 streams of integers and summing them with bc.

First, generate a null delimited set of streams with

time for I in {10000..11000}; do seq $I; echo -ne '\0'; done

This stream is roughly 50M, making each stream roughly 50k.

I then piped this into xstream as

| time xstream -0 -- bash -c 'paste -sd+ | bc' > /dev/null

and xargs as

| time xargs -0I@ bash -c '<<< "@" head -n-1 | paste -sd+ | bc' > /dev/null

which on my system gives:

Program User System Elapsed
xstream 6.55 1.53 0:06.91
xargs 17.26 3.98 0:18.01

This benchmark is a toy example, but xstream already provides a 60% speed up when each stream is only 50k.

To Do

  • This currently only support single byte delimiters, but it shouldn't be too difficult to support multi-byte delimiters. After storing the delimiter, finding it should work with buf.windows().position(|&s| s == delim. The tricky part will be not writing the last delim.len() bytes in case the first part of delim is in them, but making sure that we do flush them if we've finished a stream.
  • Move the stream splitting into lib so that it can be tested. This will be especially crucial with multi-byte delimiters.