xstream-util 0.1.0

A command line tool to split a stream to child processes
xstream-util-0.1.0 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: xstream-util-2.0.0


A command line tool to split a stream by a delimiter and pipe each section to a child process.


cargo install xstream


For a simple illustration of the speed up for reasonably sized streams, the following simple benchmark compares generating 1001 streams of integers and summing them with bc.

First, generate a null delimited set of streams with

time for I in {10000..11000}; do seq $I; echo -ne '\0'; done

This stream is roughly 50M, making each stream roughly 50k.

I then piped this into xstream as

| time xstream -0 -- bash -c 'paste -sd+ | bc' > /dev/null

and xargs as

| time xargs -0I@ bash -c '<<< "@" head -n-1 | paste -sd+ | bc' > /dev/null

which on my system gives:

Program User System Elapsed
xstream 6.55 1.53 0:06.91
xargs 17.26 3.98 0:18.01

This benchmark is a toy example, but xstream already provides a 60% speed up when each stream is only 50k.