xplm-sys 0.2.0

Low-level bindings for the X-Plane plugin SDK version
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xplm-sys: Rust bindings for the X-Plane plugin SDK

This library provides Rust bindings to the X-Plane plugin SDK.

SDK versions

The X-Plane plugin SDK has three versions:

  • Version 1.0, supported by X-Plane 6.70 and up
  • Version 2.0, supported by X-Plane 9.00 and up
  • Version 2.1, supported by X-Plane 10.00 and up

Each version adds a few new features.

This crate has xplm200 and xplm210 features that enable version 2.0 and 2.1 APIs. These features are enabled by default.


The types and functions are documented on the X-Plane plugin API website.

Compiling and linking

This library currently can be compiled on Mac OS, Linux, and Windows.

On Mac OS and Windows, plugins must be dynamically linked with libraries that provide stub implementations of the SDK functions. This crate includes those libraries and tells Cargo to link them.


Licensed under either of

at your option.

Files in the SDK folder are provided under a separate license, provided in SDK/license.txt.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.