xplane_plugin 0.1.0

Provides types and a macro for creating X-Plane plugins

The xplane_plugin crate provides an easy way to create X-Plane plugins in Rust.

To import the macro, the crate must be imported like this:

extern crate xplane_plugin;

Creating a plugin involves three steps:

  1. Create a struct for your plugin
  2. Implement Plugin for your plugin struct
  3. Place xplane_plugin!(YourPluginStruct) in a file, not in any function


extern crate xplane_plugin;
use xplane_plugin::*;
struct TestPlugin;
impl Plugin for TestPlugin {
    fn start() -> Option<Self> {
    fn enable(&mut self) {

    fn disable(&mut self) {


    fn stop(&mut self) {

    fn info<'a, 'b, 'c>(&self) -> PluginInfo<'a, 'b, 'c> {
        PluginInfo {
            name: "Test Plugin",
            signature: "org.samcrow.rustplugin.test",
            description: "A plugin written in Rust",
