Module xiao_m0::pins[][src]

Expand description

Definitions related to pins and pin aliases


BSP replacement for the HAL Pins type


DynPinId for the Led0 alias.

DynPinMode for the Led0 alias.

DynPinId for the Led1 alias.

DynPinMode for the Led1 alias.

DynPinId for the Led2 alias.

DynPinMode for the Led2 alias.

DynPinId for the Miso alias.

DynPinMode for the Miso alias.

DynPinId for the Mosi alias.

DynPinMode for the Mosi alias.

DynPinId for the Sclk alias.

DynPinMode for the Sclk alias.

DynPinId for the Scl alias.

DynPinMode for the Scl alias.

DynPinId for the Sda alias.

DynPinMode for the Sda alias.

DynPinId for the UartRx alias.

DynPinMode for the UartRx alias.

DynPinId for the UartTx alias.

DynPinMode for the UartTx alias.

DynPinId for the UsbDm alias.

DynPinMode for the UsbDm alias.

DynPinId for the UsbDp alias.

DynPinMode for the UsbDp alias.

Type Definitions

Alias for a configured Pin

Alias for a configured Pin

Alias for a configured Pin

Alias for a configured Pin

Alias for a configured Pin

Alias for a configured Pin

Alias for a configured Pin

Alias for a configured Pin

Alias for a configured Pin

Alias for a configured Pin

Alias for a configured Pin

Alias for a configured Pin