Module xcb::xinput

source · []
Expand description

The XInputExtension X extension.

Accessible with the xinput cargo feature.


The AllowDeviceEvents request.

The BarrierHitEvent event.

The ButtonPressEvent event.

The ChangeDeviceControl request.

The ChangeDeviceDontPropagateList request.

The ChangeDeviceKeyMapping request.

The ChangeDeviceNotifyEvent event.

The ChangeDeviceProperty request.

The ChangeFeedbackControl request.

The ChangeKeyboardDevice request.

The ChangePointerDevice request.

The ClassError error.

The CloseDevice request.

The DeleteDeviceProperty request.

The DeviceBell request.

The DeviceBusyError error.

The DeviceButtonStateNotifyEvent event.

The DeviceChangedEvent event.

The DeviceError error.

The DeviceFocusInEvent event.

The DeviceKeyPressEvent event.

The DeviceKeyStateNotifyEvent event.

The DeviceMappingNotifyEvent event.

The DevicePresenceNotifyEvent event.

The DevicePropertyNotifyEvent event.

The DeviceStateNotifyEvent event.

The DeviceValuatorEvent event.

The EnterEvent event.

The EventError error.

The GetDeviceButtonMapping request.

The GetDeviceControl request.

The GetDeviceDontPropagateList request.

The GetDeviceFocus request.

The GetDeviceKeyMapping request.

The GetDeviceModifierMapping request.

The GetDeviceMotionEvents request.

The GetDeviceProperty request.

The GetExtensionVersion request.

The GetFeedbackControl request.

The GetSelectedExtensionEvents request.

The GrabDevice request.

The GrabDeviceButton request.

Cookie type for GrabDevice.

Unchecked cookie type for GrabDevice.

The GrabDeviceKey request.

Reply type for GrabDevice.

The HierarchyEvent event.

The KeyPressEvent event.

The ListDeviceProperties request.

The ListInputDevices request.

The ModeError error.

The OpenDevice request.

Cookie type for OpenDevice.

Unchecked cookie type for OpenDevice.

Reply type for OpenDevice.

The PropertyEvent event.

The QueryDeviceState request.

The RawButtonPressEvent event.

The RawKeyPressEvent event.

The RawTouchBeginEvent event.

The SelectExtensionEvent request.

The SendExtensionEvent request.

The SetDeviceButtonMapping request.

The SetDeviceFocus request.

The SetDeviceMode request.

Unchecked cookie type for SetDeviceMode.

The SetDeviceModifierMapping request.

The SetDeviceValuators request.

The TouchBeginEvent event.

The TouchOwnershipEvent event.

The UngrabDevice request.

The UngrabDeviceButton request.

The UngrabDeviceKey request.

The XiAllowEvents request.

The XiBarrierReleasePointer request.

The XiChangeCursor request.

The XiChangeHierarchy request.

The XiChangeProperty request.

The XiDeleteProperty request.

The XiGetClientPointer request.

The XiGetFocus request.

Cookie type for XiGetFocus.

Unchecked cookie type for XiGetFocus.

Reply type for XiGetFocus.

The XiGetProperty request.

Unchecked cookie type for XiGetProperty.

The XiGetSelectedEvents request.

The XiGrabDevice request.

Unchecked cookie type for XiGrabDevice.

The XiListProperties request.

The XiPassiveGrabDevice request.

The XiPassiveUngrabDevice request.

The XiQueryDevice request.

Unchecked cookie type for XiQueryDevice.

The XiQueryPointer request.

The XiQueryVersion request.

The XiSelectEvents request.

The XiSetClientPointer request.

The XiSetFocus request.

The XiUngrabDevice request.

The XiWarpPointer request.



The major version of the Input extension.

The minor version of the Input extension.

The version string of the Input extension.

The official identifier for the Input extension.


Fetch server runtime info data of the Input extension.

Prefetch server runtime info data of the Input extension.

Type Definitions

The BarrierLeaveEvent event.

The ButtonReleaseEvent event.

The DeviceButtonPressEvent event.

The DeviceButtonReleaseEvent event.

The DeviceFocusOutEvent event.

The DeviceKeyReleaseEvent event.

The DeviceMotionNotifyEvent event.

The FocusInEvent event.

The FocusOutEvent event.

The KeyReleaseEvent event.

The LeaveEvent event.

The MotionEvent event.

The ProximityInEvent event.

The ProximityOutEvent event.

The RawButtonReleaseEvent event.

The RawKeyReleaseEvent event.

The RawMotionEvent event.

The RawTouchEndEvent event.

The RawTouchUpdateEvent event.

The TouchEndEvent event.

The TouchUpdateEvent event.