wrangler 0.1.0

wrangle your workers, CLI for rustwasm Cloudflare workers!
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Visit the last successful build: wrangler-1.21.0

🤠 wrangler

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wrangler is a CLI tool designed for folks who are interested in using Rust-generated WebAssembly on Cloudflare Workers. This tool gives you the follow commands:

  • 👯 generate: scaffold a hello-wasm-worker project, including boilerplate for a Rust library and a Cloudflare worker
  • 🦀⚙️ build: build your project using wasm-pack
  • 🔬 preview: preview your project using the cloudflareworkers.com API
  • ☁️ 🆙 publish: publish your worker and WebAssembly to Cloudflare

To set up wrangler to work with your Cloudflare account, use the following commands:

  • config: an interactive command that asks you to pass your email and api key. Alternatively, you can use the flags --email and --api-key to the command to skip the interactive part.

  • 🕵️‍♀️ whoami: run this command to confirm that your configuration is approrpriately set up. When successful, this command will print out your account information, including the type of plan you are currently on.


⚡ Quick Start

  1. Install wrangler:

    cargo install wrangler
  2. Generate a new project:

    wrangler generate
  3. Move into the new project directory:

    cd wasm-worker
  4. Build your project:

    wrangler build
  5. Preview your project:

    wrangler preview
  6. (optional) Configure with you Cloudflare account:

    wrangler config <email> <api_key>

    Configuring your account is required to use the publish step, which will push your Worker live to the Cloudflare edge. If you don't configure, you can still use wrangler to generate, build, and preview a Worker.

  7. Check your configuration:

    wrangler whoami
  8. Publish your project:

    wrangler publish <zone_id>

    ... where <zone_id> is replaced with the id for the Cloudflare zone your are publishing to!