[][src]Module wlambda::prelude

This module defines some default functions and operations available in the WLambda language.

You there are two WLambda modules provided by this module:

WLambda Reference

WLambda is a functional programming language. The main goal of this implementation is the extension of Rust applications with dynamic scripting. The syntax gravitates around the concept that everything is callable like a function. There is special syntax for composing arguments of functions, to give the programmer the ability to express his thoughts as they see fit.

You can use this document as reference or as cover to cover lecture. It starts out with functions and the base data types of WLambda, where I also explain some semantics of the language.

Please note: I expect you to know how to program and be familiar with at least one other dynamic language like JavaScript, Perl or at least Python. The syntax and semantics of WLambda are different from what you might know. Think of it more like a LISP without parenthesis. The syntax is loosely inspired from Smalltalk, LISP and Perl.

Table Of Contents:

  • 1 - Syntax
  • 2 - Variable Definition and Assignment
    • 2.1 - Global Variables
  • 3 - Functions (part 1/2)
    • 3.1 - Closures
      • 3.1.1 - Object Oriented Programming with Closures
    • 3.2 - Function calling
    • 3.3 - Function arity checks
      • 3.3.1 - std:to_no_arity function
    • 3.4 - Calling fields / Method calling
      • 3.4.1 - Object Oriented Programming with Prototypes
  • 4 - Data Types
    • 4.1 - None sentinel value: $n or $none
    • 4.2 - Error values: $e expr or $error expr
      • 4.2.1 - _? [label] value
      • 4.2.2 - on_error handler maybe-error-value
      • 4.2.3 - error_to_str value
    • 4.3 - Booleans
    • 4.4 - 64-Bit Integers
    • 4.5 - 64-Bit Floats
    • 4.6 - Strings
    • 4.7 - Bytes (or Byte Vectors)
      • 4.7.1 - Call Properties of Bytes
      • 4.7.2 - Byte Conversion Functions
    • 4.8 - Symbols
    • 4.9 - Vectors (or Lists)
      • 4.9.1 - Splicing
      • 4.9.2 - std:append vec-a value-or-vec ...
    • 4.10 - Associative Maps (or String to Value mappings)
    • 4.11 - References
      • 4.11.1 - Weaken References
      • 4.11.2 - Strengthening References
    • 4.12 - Calling Semantics of Data Types
  • 5 - Functions (part 2/2)
    • 5.1 - Function call composition
      • 5.1.1 - '|' Tail Argument Function Chaninig
      • 5.1.2 - '|>' Left Hand Function Chaining
    • 5.2 - Control Flow - Returning
      • 5.2.1 - return [label] value
      • 5.2.2 - block [label] function
  • 6 - Conditional Execution - if / then / else
  • 7 - Loops And Iteration
    • 7.1 - Control Flow
      • 7.1.1 - while predicate fun
      • 7.1.2 - range start end step fun
      • 7.1.3 - break value
    • 7.2 - Collection Iteration
      • 7.2.1 - Iteration over vectors
      • 7.2.2 - Iteration over maps
      • 7.2.3 - for iteratable-value function
    • 7.3 - Accumulation and Collection
      • 7.3.1 - Transforming a vector
      • 7.3.2 - Example of $@@
      • 7.3.3 - Transforming a vector to a map
      • 7.3.4 - Iteratively concatenating strings
      • 7.3.5 - Accumulating sums
    • 7.4 - Utilities
      • 7.4.1 - std:accum collection a b ...
      • 7.4.2 - std:zip vector map-fn
      • 7.4.3 - std:enumerate map-fn
  • 8 - Operators
  • 9 - Modules
  • 10 - Core Library
  • 11 - Standard Library
    • 11.0.1 - std:shuffle rand_func vec
    • 11.0.2 - std:copy vec_or_map
    • 11.0.3 - std:sort [compare_fun] vec
    • 11.0.4 - std:cmp:num:asc a b
    • 11.0.5 - std:cmp:num:desc a b
    • 11.0.6 - std:displayln arg1 ...
    • 11.0.7 - std:writeln arg1 ...
    • 11.0.8 - std:str:write arg
    • 11.0.9 - std:eval code-string
    • 11.0.10 - std:assert bool [message]
    • 11.0.11 - std:assert_eq actual expected [message]
    • 11.1 - I/O
      • 11.1.1 - std:io:file:read_text filename
      • 11.1.2 - std:io:file:read filename
      • 11.1.3 - std:io:file:write_safe filename bytes-or-string
      • 11.1.4 - std:io:file:append filename bytes-or-string
  • 12 - Optional Standard Library
    • 12.1 - serialization
      • 12.1.1 - std:ser:json data [no_pretty]
      • 12.1.2 - std:deser:json string
      • 12.1.3 - std:ser:csv field_delim row_separator escape_all table
      • 12.1.4 - std:deser:csv field_delim row_separator data
      • 12.1.5 - std:ser:msgpack data
      • 12.1.6 - std:deser:msgpack bytes
    • 12.2 - regex
    • 12.3 - chrono
      • 12.3.1 - std:chrono:timestamp [format]
    • 12.4 - hash
      • 12.4.1 - std:hash:fnv1a arg1 ...
    • 12.5 - rand
      • 12.5.1 - std:rand:split_mix64_new
      • 12.5.2 - std:rand:split_mix64_new_from seed
      • 12.5.3 - std:rand:split_mix64_next sm_state [count]
      • 12.5.4 - std:rand:split_mix64_next_open01 sm_state [count]

1 - Syntax

A more formal introduction to the syntax can be found in the parser API documentation.

2 - Variable Definition and Assignment

As this manual assumes you have some programming knowledge, we will just take a short look at the variable definition and assignment syntax:

!a = 10;            # variable definition & initialization

.a = 20;            # assignment of a new value to a variable

WLambda also supports destructuring assignment of vectors:

!v = $[1,2,3];
!(a, b, c) = v;     # destructuring definition of variables
.(a, b, c) = v;     # destructuring assignment

std:assert_eq a 1;
std:assert_eq b 2;
std:assert_eq c 3;

This also works with maps, where the key names are matched to the variable names:

!m = ${ a = 10, b = 20, c = 30 };
!(a, b, c) = m;     # destructuring definition by map
.(a, b, c) = m;     # destructuring assignment by map

std:assert_eq a 10;
std:assert_eq b 20;
std:assert_eq c 30;

2.1 - Global Variables

You can define global variables that are not bound to a lexical scope as follows:

    !:global a = 13;

std:assert_eq a 13;

Global variables however do not live beyond file or module boundaries.

3 - Functions (part 1/2)

A function can be defined using the { ... } syntax and the \ _statement_ syntax: To give functions a name, you need to assign them to a variable with the !_name_ = _expr_ syntax.

3.1 - Closures

Functions take values from the outer scope by copying their value:

!a = 10;
!b = 20;

!add_a_and_b = { a + b }; # function copies the values 10 and 20

!result = add_a_and_b[];

std:assert_eq result 30;

This also means, that functions can not modify the values of the scope they were created in. To do that, you need a referential data type, that is described further down this document.

Here is an example how we would write the above example by mutating the value in the result variable:

!a = 10;
!b = 20;
!result = $& $none; # Create a weakly captured reference

# function copies the values 10 and 20
# but result is captured by reference. As the weakable reference
# type `$&` is used, it's only weakly captured.
!add_a_and_b = { .result = a + b; };


std:assert_eq $*result 30; # $* dereferences referential types

About the weakly capturing of result: It means, that if the outer reference value in result goes out of scope, the reference in the closure does not keep it alive. This is important to prevent cyclic refences where closures keep captured values unneccessarily alive.

You will also need this to make referential types such as maps ${ } and vectors $[ ] weakly referenced by closures for OOP.

3.1.1 - Object Oriented Programming with Closures

This is how you can use a map data type as object which stores methods:

!new_Cat = {!(name) = @;
    !self = ${
        name = name,

    # Captures refer to the value in the `self` reference
    # weakly now. `self` has been converted implicit to a _weakable_
    # `$&` reference.
    self.meow     = { std:displayln self.name " meows!"; };
    self.get_name = { self.name };

    # Because access to _weakable_ references is always implicitly
    # dereferenced we need the `$:` capture reference operator to
    # prevent the reference to the map in `self` from being freed
    # once the `new_Cat` function returns:

!my_cat = new_Cat "Spot";

my_cat.meow[]; # Prints 'Spot meows!'

std:assert_eq my_cat.get_name[] "Spot";

Alternatively you can just make the cat name private:

!new_Cat = {!(name) = @;
    # Make a strong reference, so the closures DO keep cat_name alive!
    # This does not make cycles, because name does not store a closure.
    !cat_name = $&& name;

    !meow     = { std:displayln cat_name " meows!"; };
    !get_name = { $*cat_name };
    !set_name = { .*cat_name = _; };

    # Just holds the methods
        meow     = meow,
        get_name = get_name,
        set_name = set_name,

!my_cat = new_Cat "Spot";

my_cat.meow[]; # Prints 'Spot meows!'

std:assert_eq my_cat.get_name[] "Spot";

my_cat.set_name "Spotty";

std:assert_eq my_cat.get_name[] "Spotty";

3.2 - Function calling

To call functions, you have at least 3 alternatives. First is the bare _expr_ arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 syntax. And the second is the fully delimited variant: _expr_[arg1, arg2, arg3, ...]. You can always delimit the first variant using the ( ... ) parenthesis around the whole call, i.e. (_expr_ arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4). Third you can call a function with a vector as argument with _expr_[[_expr_]], where the second expression should return a vector (if it doesn't it will use the value as first argument).

Here are examples:

# All the second variant:
std:assert_eq[std:str:cat[1, 2, 3], "123"];

# Can also be written as:
std:assert_eq (std:str:cat 1 2 3) "123";

# As the third variant:
!some_args = $[1, 2, 3];
std:assert_eq std:str:cat[[some_args]] "123";

The arguments passed to the function are accessible using the _, _1, _2, ..., _9 variables. If you need to access more arguments the @ variable holds a vector of all arguments.

!twoify = { _ * 2 };

std:assert_eq twoify[2] 4;

!twoify2 = \_ * 2;

std:assert_eq twoify2[2] 4;

# You may also call them directly, notice the parenthesis ( ... ) syntax
# for delimiting the inner function call:
std:assert_eq ({ _ * 2 } 2) 4;

If you want to name arguments, you can use the destructuring assignment syntax:

!add = {!(a, b) = @;
    a + b

std:assert_eq add[1, 2] 3;

3.3 - Function arity checks

Functions check the number of arguments passed to them. The compiler tries to infer the number of arguments the function requires by looking at the parameter variables _ to _9 and @. If the compiler gets it wrong, you can:

  • Define minimum and maximum number of arguments with: {|min < max| ... }
  • Define exact number of arguments with: {|num_of_args| ... }
  • Accept any number of arguments: {|| ... }

For the shortened function syntax there is:

  • \|min < max| ...
  • \|num_of_args| ...
  • \|| ...

Here an example:

!dosomething = {|2 < 4| !(a, b, c, d) = @;
    # Please note: We have to assign the
    # parameters to named values here, because
    # the arms of the conditional below have
    # their own set of arguments.

    (is_none c) { a + b } { a * b + c * d }

std:assert_eq dosomething[1, 2]         3;
std:assert_eq dosomething[2, 2, 3, 4]  16;

3.3.1 - std:to_no_arity function

This function disables all arity checks of a function. Use this with care and diligence.

!f = { _ }; # accepts exactly 1 param

# f keeps it's arity checks, but f2 will
# call the same function, but without arity checks.
!f2 = std:to_no_arity f;

std:assert_eq (f2 1 2 3) 1;

3.4 - Calling fields / Method calling

If you use the '.' for accessing fields in a map, the object the most recent field is accessed of is passed to the called function. The object the function/method was called upon can be accessed using the special value '$self'.

!some_map = ${
    some_func = { $self.a_value },
    a_value = 11,

std:assert_eq some_map.some_func[] 11;

This in combination with the special key '_proto' can be used to implement a basic form of object orientation with prototype inheritance.

It can also be combined with the closure OOP approach or used for other purposes.

You can also use a vector/list as object, in that case the _proto field that holds the class method map is the first element of the vector. The second element of the vector can be accessed using $data.

3.4.1 - Object Oriented Programming with Prototypes

Instead of using closures for OOP the preferred way is to use maps of functions as classes and form an inheritance hierarchy by using the '_proto' key of a map:

!class_a = ${
    # $self is set by any key access using the '.' calling form:
    new = { ${ _proto = $self } },
    generate = { "I am A" },  # A method

!a_instance = class_a.new[];

std:assert_eq a_instance.generate[] "I am A";

The special key '_data' can be used (and is encouraged to be used) as storage for data members of your objects. This is useful to separate method name space inside objects from the data member namespace. To quickly access the data members you can use the special value $data, which will evaluate to $self._data in case $self is a map, and to $self.1 in case $self is a vector.

Here is an example with a map and data:

!class_b = ${
    new = {
            _proto = $self, # $self is class_b
            _data = ${
                a = 10
    gen  = { _ * $data.a },     # $data is equivalent to `$self._data` here
    gen2 = { _ * $self._data.a },

!inst = class_b.new[];

std:assert_eq inst.gen[2] 20;
std:assert_eq inst.gen2[2] 20;

You can also use vectors as objects, which can be beneficial as they are a bit slimmer and access to _proto and _data are reduced to a single vector index lookup instead of an array lookup.

!class_b = ${
    new = {
        $[  # return a vector
            $self, # $self is class_b
            ${ a = 10 },
    gen  = { _ * $data.a },     # $data is equivalent to `$self.1` here
    gen2 = { _ * $self.1.a },

!inst = class_b.new[];

std:assert_eq inst.gen[3] 30;
std:assert_eq inst.gen2[4] 40;

4 - Data Types

4.1 - None sentinel value: $n or $none

This is a special sentinel value that is returned by functions and when a non existing field of a datastructure is accessed. It's semantic meaning is that there is no value.

Most functions that expect a string value will turn a $none into an empty string. If you need an unambigous representation use std:str:write for dumping WLambda data structures.

Please note for API design: In case of errornous states you should not return a $none but an $error value.

std:assert ~ $n                == $none;
std:assert ~ int[$n]           == 0;
std:assert ~ float[$n]         == 0.0;
std:assert ~ str[$n]           == "";
std:assert ~ std:str:write[$n] == "$n";
std:assert ~ is_none[$n];

4.2 - Error values: $e expr or $error expr

There are no exceptions in WLambda, except the panic, that halts all execution of the currently running WLambda program. To signal errors, you return an $error value.

These error values, if not handled, will cause a panic of your program. This means, you need to handle returned error values one way or the other.

The error value wraps any value you pass to the $error or $e constructor syntax.

std:assert ~ is_err ~ $e "something went wrong!"

There are more routines except is_err to handle an error. _? will return from the currently executed function up until some given label. on_error executes a function if the second argument was an error value. Otherwise it just passes through the value. unwrap will explicitly cause an panic if an error value was passed to it. All other values will be passed through. And unwrap_err unwraps an error value, it's the opposite of unwrap because it will cause a panic if you don't pass an error value.

Most functions don't accept errors in their arguments. If an error is encountered, a panic will occur. There are only a few functions that accept error values in their arguments:

  • panic
  • _?
  • unwrap_err
  • error_to_str
  • unwrap
  • on_error
  • return
  • break
  • bool
  • type
  • match
  • assert
  • assert_eq
  • is_some
  • is_none
  • is_err
  • is_map
  • is_vec
  • is_fun
  • is_str
  • is_wref
  • is_ref
  • is_bool
  • is_bytes
  • is_sym
  • is_float
  • is_int
  • ==
  • !=
  • std:to_ref
  • std:ref_id
  • std:write_str

All other functions don't accept errors as their argument.

4.2.1 - _? [label] value

Unwind the call stack from the current function to a given label if value is an error value. If no label is given only the current function is returned from with the error value. If there is no error, the given value is returned.

The best usecase is, if you just want to hand any errors that might be returned further upwards the call stack for the parent functions to handle.

!func = { $e "this failed!" };

!other = {
    # some code ...

    _? func[]; # If you would not catch the error value here,
               # the program would panic, as an error value
               # must not be ignored!

    # other code ...

    panic "this will never be reached!";

    # something here...

std:assert ~ (unwrap_err other[]) == "this failed!";

_? can take up to 2 arguments. If so, the first argument is interpreted as jump label. That is handy if you want to jump up multiple call frames:

!failing_func = { $e :FAIL };

!func = \:some_unique_label {
    ( _ == 42 ) {
        std:displayln "We got 42!";

        # The `then` branch we are currently in is a call frame.
        # To jump further up the call stack, we need the label
        # we defined for the function above.
        !val = _? :some_unique_label failing_func[];

        std:displayln "Returned:" val;

std:assert_eq (unwrap_err ~ func 42) :FAIL;

A more elaborate example:

!do_fail = $false;

!maybe_fails1 = { 10 };
!maybe_fails2 = {
    do_fail { $error "something is wrong" }
            { .do_fail = $true; 2 };

!a = {
    !x = _? maybe_fails1[];
    .x = x + (_? maybe_fails2[]);

!first  = a[];
!second = a[];

std:assert_eq first 12;
std:assert (is_err second);

4.2.2 - on_error handler maybe-error-value

The first parameter to on_error should be a handler function, which will be called with four parameters. The first of these parameters is the error text, followed by the line number, column number and file name from which the error originates.

The given handler is called when an error value is encountered as second argument, the maybe-error-value.

An example to demonstrate the handler arguments:

on_error {!(func, line, col, filename) = @;
    # ...
} ($e "test");

A usage example:

!func = {
    (_ == 13) {
        $e "this failed!"
    } {
        "all ok!"

!x = $&$n;

# The first function of on_error will be called with the unwrapped
# error if an error occured.
on_error {|4| .x = _; } ~ func 13;
std:assert_eq $*x "this failed!";

!ret = on_error {|4| .x = _; } ~ func 1;
std:assert_eq ret "all ok!";

4.2.3 - error_to_str value

This function accepts an error value in contrast to str, but does not panic but transform the error value into it's string representation.

!r = error_to_str $e "TEST";

std:assert_eq r "$e[1,22:<wlambda::eval>(Err)] \"TEST\"";

WARNING: The string representation might change between wlambda versions. Please use on_error to access the individual parts (line, column, filename, error value) of the error.

4.3 - Booleans

True and false are represented by $t and $f or $true and $false, whatever suits your coding style better.

You can either use a boolean value with one or two arguments, where $true will call the first argument, and $false the second argument. If a second argument isn't provided and the value is $false, $none is returned. So to check for truthness you can just do:

!x = 10;
!some_num =
    (x == 10) { "it is ten" } { "it is not ten" };

std:assert_eq some_num "it is ten";

.x = 20;
.some_num =
    (x == 10) { "it is ten" } { "it is not ten" };
std:assert_eq some_num "it is not ten";

4.3.1 - is_bool any-value

You can check if something is a boolean with is_bool:

std:assert ~ is_bool $true;
std:assert ~ is_bool $false;
std:assert ~ not[is_bool $n];
std:assert ~ not[is_bool ""];
std:assert ~ not[is_bool 0];

4.3.2 - bool any-value

You can cast any-value into a boolean with the bool function:

std:assert_eq (bool 1)          $true;
std:assert_eq (bool 0)          $false;
std:assert_eq (bool $e :x)      $false;
std:assert_eq (bool $n)         $false;
std:assert_eq (bool "")         $false;
std:assert_eq (bool "0")        $false;
std:assert_eq (bool "1")        $true;
std:assert_eq (bool :0)         $false;
std:assert_eq (bool :1)         $true;
std:assert_eq (bool 0.0)        $false;
std:assert_eq (bool 0.1)        $false;
std:assert_eq (bool 1.0)        $true;
std:assert_eq (bool {})         $true;
std:assert_eq (bool $b"")       $false;
std:assert_eq (bool $b"\x00")   $false;
std:assert_eq (bool $b"\x01")   $true;

4.3.3 - not value

This function negates the boolean value. If it is not a boolean, it will be casted into one before negating.

std:assert ~ not $false;
std:assert ~ not 0;
std:assert ~ not $none;

4.3.4 - Boolean List Indexing

Booleans can also be used to pick a value from a list by calling the boolean with a list as first argument:

std:assert_eq ($true  $[:a, :b]) :b;
std:assert_eq ($false $[:a, :b]) :a;

4.4 - 64-Bit Integers

4.5 - 64-Bit Floats

WLambda supports 64-Bit floating point numbers, aka f64 in Rust. Like with other numbers multiple radix literal forms are supported:

# Decimal:
std:assert_eq 10r9.92       9.92;

# Hexadecimal:
std:assert_eq 0xFF.1        255.0625;

# Binary:
std:assert_eq 0b1011.101    11.625;

# Radix 4:
std:assert_eq 4r3.3         3.75;

4.5.1 - float value

This function casts value into a float:

std:assert_eq (float 10)       10.0;
std:assert_eq (float $t)        1.0;
std:assert_eq (float $f)        0.0;
std:assert_eq (float :"32.2")  32.2;
std:assert_eq (float "5.42")   5.42;
std:assert_eq (float "5.42")   5.42;
std:assert_eq (float $b"\xFF") 255.0;

4.5.2 - is_float value

Returns $true if value is a float, otherwise $false is returned.

std:assert ~ is_float 4.4;
std:assert ~ is_float 1.0 + 1;
std:assert ~ not ~ is_float 1 + 1.0;
std:assert ~ not ~ is_float 4;
std:assert ~ not ~ is_float $true;

4.6 - Strings

4.7 - Bytes (or Byte Vectors)

Bytes are a special kind of strings. Their literal form is:

$Q/ABCDEF\xFD/;      # \xFD is not an escape sequence here!

4.7.1 - Call Properties of Bytes

You can index inside a byte array by calling it with an integer:

std:assert_eq ($b"ABC" 1) $b"B";

You can extract a whole range when calling with 2 integers:

std:assert_eq ($b"ABCDEF" 2 3) $b"CDE";

If you call a bytes value with a map as argument, the bytes value is converted to a string internally using str and the value from the map is returned:

!some_map = ${ a = 20, b = 30 };

std:assert_eq ($b"a" some_map) 20;
std:assert_eq ($b"b" some_map) 30;

std:assert_eq some_map.$b"a" 20;   # with method call syntax

4.7.2 - Byte Conversion Functions

You can convert bytes to strings in a multitude of ways:

  • str bytes
    std:assert_eq (str $b"abc")        "abc";
    std:assert_eq (str $b"abc\xFF")    "abcÿ";
    std:assert_eq (str $Q/ABCDEF\xFD/) "ABCDEF\\xFD";
  • std:bytes:to_hex bytes [group-len [group-sep]]
    std:assert_eq (std:bytes:to_hex $b"\xFF\x0A\xBE\xEF")
    std:assert_eq (std:bytes:to_hex $b"\xFF\x0A\xBE\xEF" 2)
                  "FF 0A BE EF";
    std:assert_eq (std:bytes:to_hex $b"\xFF\x0A\xBE\xEF" 2 ":")
  • std:str:from_utf8 bytes
    std:assert_eq (std:str:from_utf8 $b"\xC3\xA4\xC3\x9F\xC3\xBF") "äßÿ";
    std:assert_eq (std:str:from_utf8 [std:str:to_bytes "äßÿ"])         "äßÿ";
    # broken UTF8 will result in an error:
    std:assert ~ is_err (std:str:from_utf8 $b"\xC3\xC3\xA4\xC3\x9F\xC3\xBF");
  • std:str:from_utf8_lossy bytes
    std:assert_eq (std:str:from_utf8_lossy $b"\xC3\xC3\xA4\xC3\x9F\xC3\xBF") "�äßÿ";

You can even convert bytes to vectors of integers back and forth:

!v = std:bytes:to_vec $b"ABC";
std:assert_eq (str v) (str $[65, 66, 67]);

std:push v 64;
!b = std:bytes:from_vec v;
std:assert_eq b $b"ABC@";

There is also an inverse operation to bytes:to_hex:

std:assert_eq (std:bytes:from_hex ~ std:bytes:to_hex $b"ABC") $b"ABC";

4.8 - Symbols

4.9 - Vectors (or Lists)

The literal syntax for vectors (or sometimes also called lists in WLambda) is $[...]. You may write any kind of expression in it and you will get a vector from it.

For iteration over a vector please refer to 7.2 Collection Iteration.

To access the elements of a vector you have to call a number with a vector as first argument. The field syntax is a more convenient shorthand syntax. The following example demonstrates it:

!add20 = { _ + 20 };

!some_vec = $[1, 2 * 10, add20 10]; 

# Index calling:
std:assert_eq (0 some_vec) 1;
std:assert_eq (1 some_vec) 20;
std:assert_eq (2 some_vec) 30;

# Field syntax:
std:assert_eq some_vec.0 1;
std:assert_eq some_vec.1 20;
std:assert_eq some_vec.2 30;

4.9.1 - Splicing

You can splice vectors directly into their literal form with the $[..., * vec_expr, ...] syntax. Here is an example:

!make_some = { $[_ + 1, _ + 2] };

!some_vec = $[ 0, *make_some 1 ];

std:assert_eq some_vec.1 2;
std:assert_eq some_vec.2 3;

# There can be any expression after the `.` if you wrap it into `(...)`:
std:assert_eq some_vec.(1 + 1) 3;

# A more direct example:
std:assert_eq (str $[1,2,*$[3,4]]) "$[1,2,3,4]";

4.9.2 - std:append vec-a value-or-vec ...

Appends value-or-vec and all following items to vec-a. If value-or-vec is a vector, all it's items will be appended to vec-a.

!v = std:append $[1,2,3] :a :b $[:c, :d];

std:assert_eq (str v) "$[1,2,3,:\"a\",:\"b\",:\"c\",:\"d\"]";

If vec-a is not a vector, a vector containing it will be created:

!v = std:append 1 :a :b $[:c, :d];

std:assert_eq (str v) "$[1,:\"a\",:\"b\",:\"c\",:\"d\"]";

4.10 - Associative Maps (or String to Value mappings)

Aside from vectors there are associative maps in WLambda. Their syntax is ${ key = expr, ... }. The keys of these maps have to be strings, the values in the literals can be any expression.

For iteration over a map please refer to 7.2 Collection Iteration.

You can call a symbol or a string with an associative map to get the value in the map with the string value as key. There is also, like vectors, the field calling syntax. Here are some examples:

!some_map = ${ a = 1, b = 2 };

# Symbol calling:
std:assert_eq (:a some_map) 1;
std:assert_eq (:b some_map) 2;
std:assert_eq ("a" some_map) 1;
std:assert_eq ("b" some_map) 2;

# Field syntax:
std:assert_eq some_map.a 1;
std:assert_eq some_map.b 2;

# There can be any expression after the `.` if you wrap it into `(...)`,
# also strings:
std:assert_eq some_map.("a") 1;
std:assert_eq some_map.("b") 2;

Keys can also be computed at runtime in the literal form:

!some_map = ${ (std:str:cat "a" "b") = 10 };

std:assert_eq (str some_map) "${ab=10}";

If you call a field that is being accessed directly using the field accessing syntax some_map.a, the function is passed the map some_map via the special value $self. There is another special variable $data that allows you to access the $self._data field.

4.10.1 - Splicing

Like vectors you can splice map values directly into map literals:

!map_gen = { ${ (std:str:cat "_" _) = _ } };

!some_map = ${ a = 10, *map_gen "x" };

std:assert_eq some_map.a 10;
std:assert_eq some_map._x "x";

std:assert_eq (str ${*${a=10}}) "${a=10}";

# As a reminder, a full expression can come after the '*':

std:assert_eq (str ${*map_gen "y"}) $q/${_y="y"}/;

4.11 - References

Some data structures already have reference characteristics, such as strings, vectors and maps. There are 3 types of references in WLambda that handle different usecases. These referential types are neccessary to mutate lexical variables from a parent scope. To give a rather natural example:

!x = 10;
{ .x = 20; }[];
std:assert_eq x 20;

The example works rather intuitively. There is however lots of implicit referential stuff going on. Once x is captured by a closure it ise implicitly changed in to a weakable $& reference and the closure stores only a weak reference to x. This is done to maintain lexical scope and prevent accidental cyclic references when closures from a scope are leaked.

These types of references exist:

  • $& - A weakable reference, that is captured weakly by closures.
  • $(&) - A weak reference, can't be constructed literally, only indirectly as upvalue of a closure or by std:weaken.
  • $&& - A strong reference, that is captured stongly by closures. Inside closures they are also implicitly dereferenced by assignment and access by variable name.

The weakable reference is captured weakly by closures and does not keep the referenced value alive if the value reference count drops to zero. The strong references will stay strong and need explicit care to handle in the function where they are stored directly in a local variable. But if strong references are caught, they are also implicitly handled.

!x = $& 10;

{ .x = 20; }[]; # Closures implicitly handle weak references

std:assert_eq x 20;

And the same with strong references:

!x = $&& 10;

.*x = 11;

{ .x = 20; }[]; # Closures implicitly handle strong references too

std:assert_eq $*x 20;

Strong references can also be created using the std:to_ref function:

!x = std:to_ref 10;
std:assert_eq (std:write_str x) "$&&10";

4.11.1 - Weaken References

You can weaken any of those two types of references manually using the std:weaken function.

!drop_check = $& $f;

# Make a reference to the value 10 and set `drop_check` to $true
# when all (non weak) references to it are gone.
!x = $&& (std:to_drop 10 {|| .drop_check = $true });

# Create a weakened reference to the value referred to by x:
!y = std:weaken x;

# Deref y gives you 10:
std:assert_eq $*y 10;

# The reference to 10 is removed and this means that the weak reference
# in y is invalidated and returns $n in future.
.x = $n;

# Deref y now gives you $n:
std:assert_eq $*y $n;

std:assert drop_check;

4.11.2 - Strengthening References

You can convert a weak reference (weakened by std:weaken) or a captured weak reference $& to strong with std:strengthen.

TODO: Example

4.12 - Calling Semantics of Data Types

You can call almost all basic data types of WLambda. Here is an overview of the data type calling semantics:

$none-Any call to $none will result in a panic.
$error-Any call to $error will result in a panic.
function*Will call the function with the specified arguments.
$truef1, f2Will call f1.
$falsef1, f2Will call f2 or return $n if f2 is not provided.
$true$[1,2]Will return the second element 2 of the list.
$false$[1,2]Will return the first element 1 of the list.
symbolmap, uservalWill retrieve the value in the map at the key equal to the symbol.
mapanythingWill call anything for each value and key in the map and return a list with the return values.

5 - Functions (part 2/2)

5.1 - Function call composition

  • chaining
  • traditional () call syntax
  • ~ syntax
  • || syntax

$[] || push 10 $[10] $[] || push 10 || push 20 $[10,20] !x = { push _1 _ }; $n $[] | x 10 | x 20 $[10,20]

  • [...] syntax

5.1.1 - '|' Tail Argument Function Chaninig

This syntax is useful if you have following function call composition:

(fn arg1 arg2 (fn2 arg_b1 arg_b2 (fn3 arg_c1 arg_c2 ...)))

These can be written more comfortably like this:

fn3 arg1 arg2 | fn2 arg_b1 arg_b2 | fn arg1 arg2

An example with actual values:

!x = 10 | { _ * 4 } | { _ + 2 };

std:assert_eq x 42;

Think of it as if the value 10 was piped through the functions on the right.

The call reordering of the | operator looks like this:

    fn1 a1 a2 | fn2 b1 b2 (   )   =>   fn2 b1 b2 (fn1 a1 a2)
    """""""""               ^
        v                   |

5.1.2 - '|>' Left Hand Function Chaining

This syntax is useful if you want to make deep call chains like these:

(((fn arg1 arg2 ...) arg_b1 arg_b2 ...) arg_c1 arg_c2 ...)

These can be written more comfortably like this:

fn arg1 arg2 |> arg_b1 arg_b2 |> arg_c1 arg_c2

or nicer formatted:

fn arg1 arg2
    |> arg_b1 arg_b2
    |> arg_c1 arg_c2

Here an actual example:

!res = $@v
    1 + 1
    |> $["abc", "def", "ceg"]
    |> { $+ ~ std:str:cat "|" _ "|" };

std:assert_eq res.0 "|c|";
std:assert_eq res.1 "|e|";
std:assert_eq res.2 "|g|";

The call reordering of the |> operator looks like this:

    fn1 a1 a2 |> b1 b2    =>   ((   )   )
    """""""""    """""            ^   ^
        v          v              |   |
        -----------|--------------|   |

5.2 - Control Flow - Returning

WLambda uses labelled blocks for control flow, as returning from the current function would not be very helpful for the control flow in wlambda in case of conditional execution.

!some_func = \:outer {
    !x = 10;

    # does stuff...

    (x == 10) {
        return :outer 20

    # more stuff that is not executed if x == 10.

5.2.1 - return [label] value

Returns value from the current function if no label is given. If label is given, the call stack will unwind until either a block or a function with the given label is encountered.

!f = {
    return 20;

std:assert_eq f[] 20;

Here an example for unwinding two call frames:

!f = \:x {
    { return :x 20 }[];

std:assert_eq f[] 20;

The labels do not adhere to lexical scoping and are dynamically scoped:

!g = { return :x 30 };

!f = \:x { 20; g[]; 40 };

std:assert_eq f[] 30;

5.2.2 - block [label] function

Calls the function with the given label for returnto jump to.

If you just want to setup a point inside a function to jump to with return the block function is more convenient to use:

!y = 1;

!res = block :x {
    .y = y + 1;
    (y >= 2) \return :x 20;
    .y = y + 1;
    .y = y + 1;

std:assert_eq res 20;

The alternative is the less clear syntax would be in this case:

!y = 1;

!res = \:x {
    .y = y + 1;
    (y >= 2) \return :x 20;
    .y = y + 1;
    .y = y + 1;

std:assert_eq res 20;

6 - Conditional Execution - if / then / else

WLambda has no if. Conditional execution is provided by the bool data type. As in WLambda everything can be called like a function, you can just pass other functions as arguments to $true and $false. If you pass a function as first argument to $true, it will be executed. If you pass a function as second argument to $false then that will be executed.

(10 == 10) { std:displayln "10 is 10" };         #=> prints "10 is 10"
(10 != 10) { std:displayln "10 is not 10" };     #=> doesn't print anything

!x = 20;

(x == 20) {
    std:displayln "x is 20";
} {
    std:displayln "x is 20";
}; # Do not forget the ";"!

Actually, as the values $true and $false can be called like any other function you may write it also like this, which is not the recommended syntax, but still works:

(10 == 10)[{ std:displayln "10 is 10" }];

!x = 21;
(x == 20)[{ std:displayln "x is 20" }, { std:displayln "x isn't 20" }]; #=> print "x isn't 20"

Often, you may want to choose one variable or another based on some predicate. For these situations, the pick function is available. For example, perhaps you want to make a function which can take any number of parameters, or a single list parameter.

!sum = \|| std:fold 0 { _ + _1 } ~ pick (is_vec _) _ @;

Booleans can also be used to index into lists. When this is done, $t represents 1 and $f represents 0. This means that we can also express our sum function as:

!sum = \|| std:fold 0 { _ + _1 } $[@, _].(is_vec _);

Furthermore, as a.b is equivalent to b[a], one can also write this sum function by simply invoking (is_vec _) and passing in the list of options as a parameter.

!sum = \|| std:fold 0 { _ + _1 } ~ (is_vec _) $[@, _];

When comparing the pick and indexing approaches it is important to note that the two possible return values are inverted:

!x = 20;
!res = pick (x == 20) "x is 20" "x isn't 20";
std:assert_eq res "x is 20";

.res = $["x isn't 20", "x is 20"].(x == 20);
std:assert_eq res "x is 20";

With pick, the value to return in the $t case comes first, followed by the $f case's value, whereas with indexing approach, the opposite is true.

7 - Loops And Iteration

WLambda has many ways to loop and iterate:

  • Counting loop with range
  • While some condition is $true with while
  • Over the items in a vector with either for or by calling the vector with a function as first argument.
  • Over the items in a map with either for or by calling the map with a function as first argument.
  • Over the characters in a string with either for or by calling it with a function.
  • Over the bytes in a byte vector with either for or by calling it with a function.

for just iterates through the value and provides the individual items as first argument to the iteration function. But if you call the value with a function as first argument a mapping iteration is done. That means, the return value of the operation is a list with the return values of the iteration function. If you don't need that list you should use for.

7.1 - Control Flow

7.1.1 - while predicate fun

while will call fun until the predicate function returns $false. This is the most basic loop for iteration:

!i   = 0;
!out = $[];

while { i < 10 } {
    std:push out i;
    .i = i + 1;

std:assert_eq (str out) "$[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]";

If you need an endless loop you can pass $true as predicate:

!i = 0;

while $true {
    (i >= 4) break;
    .i = i + 1;

std:assert_eq i 4;

7.1.2 - range start end step fun

range counts from start to end by increments of step and calls fun with the counter. The iteration is inclusive, this means if start == end the function fun will be called once.

!out = $[];
range 0 9 1 {!(i) = @;
    std:push out i;

std:assert_eq (str out) "$[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]";

The construct also works for floating point numbers, but be aware of the inherent floating point errors:

!out = $[];
range 0.3 0.4 0.01 {
    std:push out ~ std:num:round 100.0 * _;

# 40 is not in the set because the accumulation of 0.01 results
# in a value slightly above 0.4 and ends the range iteration:
std:assert_eq (str out) "$[30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39]";

7.1.3 - break value

break stops the inner most iterative construct, which then will return value. This should work for all repeatedly calling operations, such as for, while and when calling lists directly. Also most library functions that iteratively call you react to it, like std:re:map and std:re:replace_all.

!ret = range 0 9 1 {!(i) = @;
    (i > 4) { break :DONE };

std:assert_eq ret :DONE;

An example where the list iteration is stopped:

!val = $[1,2,3,4] { (_ > 3) { break :XX }; _ };

std:assert_eq val :XX;

7.2 - Collection Iteration

7.2.1 - Iteration over vectors

Iterating over a vector is the most basic iteration supported by WLambda. You just call the vector with a function as first argument:

!sum = 0;
$[1, 2, 3] {
    .sum = sum + _;

std:assert_eq sum 6;

You can also use for if you like.

7.2.2 - Iteration over maps

Iterating over a map is as simple as iterating over a vector. The map can be called with a function as first argument and it starts iterating over it's key/value pairs. The first argument of the function is the value, the second argument is the key.

!sum  = 0;
!keys = $[];

${a = 10, b = 20, c = 30} {
    !(v, k) = @;
    .sum = sum + v;
    std:push keys k;

std:assert_eq sum 60;
std:assert_eq (std:str:join "," ~ std:sort keys) "a,b,c";

You can also use for if you like.

7.2.3 - for iteratable-value function

Calls function for every element of iteratable-value. Iteratable values are:

  • Vectors
!product = 1;

for $[3,4,5] {
    .product = product * _;

std:assert_eq product 60;
  • Maps
!product = 1;
!keys    = $[];

for ${a = 10, b = 20, c = 30} {
    !(v, k) = @;
    .product = product * v;
    std:push keys k;

std:assert_eq (std:str:join "," ~ std:sort keys) "a,b,c";

std:assert_eq product 6000;
  • Byte Vectors
!byte_sum = 0;

for $b"abc" {
    .byte_sum = byte_sum + (int _);

std:assert_eq byte_sum 294;
  • Strings
!str_chars = $[];

for "abc" {
    std:push str_chars _;

std:assert_eq (str str_chars) (str $["a", "b", "c"]);
  • Symbols
!str_chars = $[];

for :abc {
    std:push str_chars _;

std:assert_eq (str str_chars) (str $["a", "b", "c"]);

7.3 - Accumulation and Collection

WLambda provides special syntax and semantics for accumulating or collecting values while iterating through lists. There are following special syntax constructs:

$@v exprSetup collection of values in a vector, evaluates expr and returns the vector.
$@vec exprSame as $@v
$@m exprSetup collection of key/value pairs in a map, evaluates expr and returns the vector.
$@map exprSame as $@m
$@s exprSetup appending of values to a string, evaluates expr and returns the string.
$@string exprSame as $@s
$@b exprSetup collection of values in a byte vector, evaluates expr and returns byte vector.
$@bytes exprSame as $@b
$@i exprSetup accumulation in an integer, evaluates expr and returns the integer sum.
$@int exprSame as $@i
$@f exprSetup accumulation in a float, evaluates expr and returns the float sum.
$@flt exprSame as $@f
$+Evaluated to a function that can be called to add/append a new value to the current collection/accumulation.
$@@Access the current accumulation value.

7.3.1 - Transforming a vector

If you just want to do something with items in a vector and construct a new one from the results:

!result = $@vec $[1,2,3,4] \$+ _ * 2;   # multiply each item by 2

std:assert_eq (str result)  "$[2,4,6,8]";

7.3.2 - Example of $@@

Here is an interesting example how $@@ might be used:

!list_of_lists = $[];
!result = $@vec $[1,2,3,4] {
    $+ 2 * _;               # put the value into the list
    std:push list_of_lists
        ~ std:copy $@@; # construct a list of intermediate results

std:assert_eq (str result) "$[2,4,6,8]";

std:assert_eq (str list_of_lists)

7.3.3 - Transforming a vector to a map

For constructing maps the $@map construct is available. In the following example we transform a vector of pairs into a map:

!result = $@map $[ $[:a, 10], $[:b, 33], $[:c, 99] ] {
    !(key, value) = _;
    $+ key value;

std:assert_eq result.a 10;
std:assert_eq result.b 33;
std:assert_eq result.c 99;

7.3.4 - Iteratively concatenating strings

In case you need to construct a longer text the $@string construct allows you to efficiently create a long string. For demonstration purposes we compare the following inefficient code with the usage of $@string:

# Inefficient example:

!accum = "";
$["abc", "def", "ghi", "XXX"] {
    .accum = accum _;   # allocates a new string each iteration

std:assert_eq accum "abcdefghiXXX";

In theory for this constructed example the quickest way would be to use std:str:join:

!accum = std:str:join "" $["abc", "def", "ghi", "XXX"];

std:assert_eq accum "abcdefghiXXX";

But maybe you need to transform or construct the strings before joining:

!transform = { ">" _ };

!accum = $@string $["abc", "def", "ghi", "XXX"] {
    $+[transform _] # appends the string to the accumulation string

std:assert_eq accum ">abc>def>ghi>XXX";

7.3.5 - Accumulating sums

The following examples show how accumulation of values with $@int and $@float work.

!sum = $@int $[1,2,3,4] {
    $+ _

std:assert_eq sum 10;

And with floats:

!sum = $@float $[1.2,1.3,2.2,3.4] {
    $+ _

std:assert_eq (std:num:round 10.0 * sum) 81.0;

7.4 - Utilities

7.4.1 - std:accum collection a b ...

This function accumulates all it's arguments in the collection. It does the same form of accumulation as $+ does.

std:assert_eq (str ~ std:accum $[] 1 2 3)   "$[1,2,3]";
std:assert_eq (std:accum "" 1 2 3)          "123";
std:assert_eq (str ~ std:accum $b"" 1 2 3)  "\x01\x02\x03";
std:assert_eq (str ~ std:accum 10 1 2 3)    "16";

7.4.2 - std:zip vector map-fn

Creates a generator that calls map_fn with the consecutive elements of vector as the first argument of map-fn. All arguments passed to std:zip are appended to the argument list.

This is useful for combining the iteration over two vectors or collections.

!l = $@v $[13, 42, 97] ~ std:zip $["Foo", "Bar", "Baz"] { $+ @ };
std:assert_eq (str l) (str $[$["Foo", 13], $["Bar", 42], $["Baz", 97]]);

7.4.3 - std:enumerate map-fn

Creates a generator that calls map-fn with a counter that is incremented after each call, starting with 0. All received arguments are appended to the argument list after the counter.

!l = $@v $["lo", "mid", "hi"] ~ std:enumerate { $+ @ };
std:assert_eq (str l) (str $[$[0, "lo"], $[1, "mid"], $[2, "hi"]]);

8 - Operators

8.1 - Arithmetic

The output type (float vs. integer) of the numerical arithmetic operators is defined by the first operand of the operation. Use the casting functions float or int if you are unsure.

Please note that not all operators are available as plain identifiers and need to be quoted when used in their prefix form or as functions, some of them are *, /, % and some others.

8.1.1 - + operand-1 operand-2 ...

This function implements arithmetic addition. If the first operand is a float number, the substraction will return a float result. If it is an integer or anything else (like a string), an integer result is returned.

std:assert_eq (+ 5.5 0.5) 6.0;
std:assert_eq (5.5 + 0.5) 6.0;
std:assert_eq (+ 5 2) 7;
std:assert_eq (+ "5" 2) 7;
std:assert_eq (+ :5 2) 7;

8.1.2 - - operand-1 operand-2 ...

This function implements arithmetic substraction. If the first operand is a float number, the substraction will return a float result. If it is an integer or anything else (like a string), an integer result is returned.

std:assert_eq (- 5.5 0.5) 5.0;
std:assert_eq (5.5 - 0.5) 5.0;
std:assert_eq (- 5 2) 3;
std:assert_eq (- "5" 2) 3;
std:assert_eq (- :5 2) 3;

8.1.3 - * op-a op-b

Returns the multiplication of the two operands.

std:assert 10   * 4 == 40;
std:assert 10.1 * 4 == 40.4;
std:assert "10" * 4 == 40;

std:assert (`*` 10 4) == 40;

std:assert (float "10.1") * 4 == 40.4;

8.1.4 - / op-a op-b

Returns the division of the two operands.

std:assert 10   / 4 == 2;
std:assert 10.0 / 4 == 2.5;
std:assert "10" / 2 == 5;

std:assert (`/` 10 4) == 2;

std:assert (float "10.1") * 4 == 40.4;

8.1.5 - % op-a op-b

Returns the remainder of the division of op-a by op-b.

std:assert     5 % 4 == 1;
std:assert (`%` 5 4) == 1;

8.1.6 - ^ op-a op-b

Returns op-a raised by the power of op-b. Supports float and integers.

std:assert_eq 2 ^ 4     16;
std:assert_eq std:num:round[(2.0 ^ 2.1) * 1000] 4287.0;
std:assert_eq 2 ^ 2.1   4; # first arg type matters!

8.2 - Comparison

8.2.1 - == op-a op-b

Checks whether the two operands are equal to each other. Data types like booleans, integers, floats, symbols and strings are compared by their contents. Other types like vectors, maps, functions, errors or references are compared by referential equality.

std:assert        $none == $none;
std:assert            1 == 2 - 1;
std:assert         "aa" == ("a" "a");
std:assert         :xxy == :xxy;
std:assert not ~ $[1,2] == $[1,2];

std:assert ~ `==` 1 (2 - 1); # prefix form

8.2.2 - != op-a op-b

Checks whether the two operands are distinct from each other. Data types like booleans, integers, floats, symbols and strings are compared by their contents. Other types like vectors, maps, functions, errors or references are compared by referential equality.

It's generally the opposite of ==.

std:assert         1 != 2;
std:assert     not[2 != 2];
std:assert     "foo" != "bar";
std:assert not["foo" != "foo"];

std:assert ~ `!=` 1 2;

!r1 = $[1,2];
!r2 = $[1,2];
std:assert r1 != r2;

8.2.3 - < op-a op-b

Numerical comparison operator that checks whether op-a is less than op-b

std:assert   10   < 11;
std:assert   10.1 < 10.2;
std:assert not[10 < 10.1];  # the type of the first argument decides return type!

8.2.4 - <= op-a op-b

Numerical comparison operator that checks whether op-a is less or equal to op-b

std:assert 10   <= 11;
std:assert 10.1 <= 10.2;
std:assert 10   <= 10.1;  # integer <=, the type of the first argument decides return type!

8.2.5 - > op-a op-b

Numerical comparison operator that checks whether op-a is greater than op-b

std:assert   11.1 > 11;
std:assert   11.1 > 11.0;
std:assert not[10 > 10.1];  # the type of the first argument decides return type!

8.2.6 - >= op-a op-b

Numerical comparison operator that checks whether op-a is greater or equal to op-b

std:assert 11   >= 11;
std:assert 10.2 >= 10.1;
std:assert 10 >= 10.1;  # integer >=, the type of the first argument decides return type!

8.3 - Bit Operations

8.3.1 - & op-a op-b

Binary and operation between two integers.

std:assert (0b0011 & 0b1011) == 0b011;
std:assert (3      &     11) == 3;

8.3.2 - &^ op-a op-b

Binary xor operation between two integers.

std:assert (0b0011 &^ 0b1011) == 0b1000;
std:assert (3      &^     11) == 8;

8.3.3 - &| op-a op-b

Binary or operation between two integers.

std:assert (0b0011 &| 0b1000) == 0b1011;
std:assert (3      &|      8) == 11;

8.3.4 - << op-a op-b

Binary left shift operation of op-a by op-b bits.

std:assert (0b0011 << 3)   == 0b11000;
std:assert (`<<` 0b1011 2) == 0b101100

8.3.5 - >> op-a op-b

Binary right shift operation of op-a by op-b bits.

std:assert (0b0011 >> 2)      == 0b0;
std:assert (0b1100 >> 2)      == 0b11;
std:assert (`>>` 0b1011000 3) == 0b1011

9 - Modules

9.1 - export

!expr = { _ + 30 };

!@export symbol = expr; # exports symbol with value of expr (a function)

9.2 - import

!@import x = tests:test_mod; # prefixes everything from modixes with x:

std:assert ~ (x:symbol 10) == 40;

You can also skip the prefix:

!@import std;
!v = $[];
push v 10; push v 20;
std:assert_eq (str v) "$[10,20]";

10 - Core Library

This library contains all the core functions which belong to the core of the WLambda Programming Language. These functions can be seen as keywords of WLambda. Some functions are also available as operators.

11 - Standard Library

11.0.1 - std:shuffle rand_func vec

Shuffles the vec in place. The function rand_func needs to return a random 64 bit integer on each call. Here is an example:

!sm  = std:rand:split_mix64_new_from 1234;
!vec = $[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
std:shuffle { std:rand:split_mix64_next sm } vec;

std:assert_eq (str vec) "$[2,1,7,4,8,5,3,6]";

11.0.2 - std:copy vec_or_map

Makes a shallow copy of the given vector or map.

!a = $[1,2,3];
!b = std:copy a;
b.0 = 10;

std:assert_eq a.0 1;
std:assert_eq b.0 10;

11.0.3 - std:sort [compare_fun] vec

Sorts the given vec in place. The comparison function compare_fun gets the two values a and b and needs to return -1 if a < b, 0 if a = b and 1 if a > b.

There are four functions that implement numeric and lexicographic ordering:

  • std:cmp:num:asc
  • std:cmp:num:desc
  • std:cmp:str:asc
  • std:cmp:str:desc

If no compare_fun is given, the ordering will be ascending and lexicographic vs. numeric will be chosen by the type of the a value (if it is an integer or float it will be numeric, otherwise lexicographic).

!v = $[$[1], $[-1], $[3]];
std:sort { std:cmp:num:desc _.0 _1.0 } v;

std:assert_eq v.0.0 3;
std:assert_eq v.1.0 1;
std:assert_eq v.2.0 -1;

11.0.4 - std:cmp:num:asc a b

Compares a and b numerically and returns:

CasesReturn Value
a > b-1
a == b0
a < b1
std:assert_eq (std:cmp:num:asc 20 2)        -1;
std:assert_eq (std:cmp:num:asc "20" "20")    0;
std:assert_eq (std:cmp:num:asc 20 21)        1;

11.0.5 - std:cmp:num:desc a b

Compares a and b numerically descending and returns:

CasesReturn Value
a > b1
a == b0
a < b-1
std:assert_eq (std:cmp:num:desc "20" "2")     1;
std:assert_eq (std:cmp:num:desc "20" "20")    0;
std:assert_eq (std:cmp:num:desc 20 21)       -1;

11.0.6 - std:displayln arg1 ...

This function writes a humand readable version of all the arguments (with a space inbetween) to the standard output. This means that:

std:displayln "foo"

Will just print foo and a newline.

If you need a less ambigous form, use std:writeln, which handles it's argument like written via std:str:write instead of str.

11.0.7 - std:writeln arg1 ...

This function writes the WLambda representation of it's arguments (with a space inbetween) to standard output. This means that:

std:displayln "foo"

Will print "foo" and a newline.

See also the description of std:str:write.

If you need a more human readable form use std:displayln.

11.0.8 - std:str:write arg

Returns the WLambda representation of the value arg as string.

Most values have the same represenation like a WLambda literal, but there are other values that don't have a literal representation.

Warning: Consider all values that don't have a fixed literal representation in the WLambda syntax as debug output that might change in future versions.

std:assert_eq (std:str:write "foo") $q|"foo"|;
std:assert_eq (std:str:write $none) $q|$n|;
std:assert_eq (std:str:write $[1,:a]) $q|$[1,:"a"]|;

11.0.9 - std:eval code-string

Evaluates code-string in the current global environment and returns the generated value. If the code leads to any kind of evaluation error, an error object is returned.

std:assert_eq (std:eval "1 + 2") 3;
!:global X = 20;
std:assert_eq (std:eval "1 + X") 21;

11.0.10 - std:assert bool [message]

Just a simple assertion function that panics if the first argument is not true. Returns the passed value if it is a true value. You can pass an optional message as second parameter.

std:assert $false; #=> Panic
std:assert 120;    #=> 120

11.0.11 - std:assert_eq actual expected [message]

This function check if the actual value is equal to the expected value and panics if not. The optional message is passed in the panic for reference.

!x = 30 * 2;
std:assert_eq x 60 "30 * 2 == 60";

11.1 - I/O

11.1.1 - std:io:file:read_text filename

Opens the file filename and returns it's contents interpreted as UTF8 text as string.

std:io:file:write_safe "prelude_test.txt" "abcäöü";

!t = std:io:file:read_text "prelude_test.txt";
std:assert_eq t "abcäöü" "reading text from file works";

11.1.2 - std:io:file:read filename

Opens the file filename and returns it's contents as byte buffer.

std:io:file:write_safe "prelude_test.txt" "abcäöü";

!t = std:io:file:read "prelude_test.txt";
.t = std:str:from_utf8 t;
std:assert_eq t "abcäöü" "reading binary from file works";

11.1.3 - std:io:file:write_safe filename bytes-or-string

Creates a new file with the given filename but with a "~" appended and writes the contents into it. After successful write, it renames the file to the given filename.

11.1.4 - std:io:file:append filename bytes-or-string

Opens the given filename in append mode and appends bytes-or-string to the end of the file.

12 - Optional Standard Library

12.1 - serialization

12.1.1 - std:ser:json data [no_pretty]

Serializes the data and returns a JSON formatted (and pretty printed) string. Optionally not pretty printed if no_pretty is a true value.

!str = std:ser:json $[1,2.3,${a=4}] $t;
std:assert_eq str "[1,2.3,{\"a\":4}]";

12.1.2 - std:deser:json string

Deserializes the JSON formatted string into a data structure.

!data = std:deser:json ~ std:ser:json $[1,2.3,${a=4}];
std:assert_eq data.0 1;
std:assert_eq data.1 2.3;
std:assert_eq data.(2).a 4;

12.1.3 - std:ser:csv field_delim row_separator escape_all table

This serializes the table as CSV with the given field_delim and row_separator. If escape_all is $true all fields will be put into '"'.

!csv_str =
        ";" "|" $f
        $[ $[1,2,3,4,$q/foo"bar/],
    | std:displayln;

std:assert_eq csv_str $q/1;2;3;4;"foo""bar"|44;55||/;

    (std:ser:csv ";" "|" $f $[$[:a,$q/;/, $q/|/, $q/ /]])
    "a;\";\";\"|\";\" \"|";

12.1.4 - std:deser:csv field_delim row_separator data

Parses the string data as CSV. With the field delimiter field_delim and the row_separator for the data rows.

!table = std:deser:csv ";" "\r\n" "foo;bar\r\nx;y\r\n";
std:assert_eq table.0.0 "foo";
std:assert_eq table.0.1 "bar";
std:assert_eq table.1.1 "y";

12.1.5 - std:ser:msgpack data

Serializes the data and returns a msgpack bytes value.

std:assert_eq (std:ser:msgpack $b"abc") $b"\xC4\x03abc";

12.1.6 - std:deser:msgpack bytes

Deserializes the msgpack bytes value into a data structure.

std:assert_eq (std:deser:msgpack $b"\xC4\x03abc") $b"abc";

12.2 - regex

12.3 - chrono

12.3.1 - std:chrono:timestamp [format]

For the documentation of format please consule the chrono Rust crate documentation: chrono crate strftime format.

!year_str = std:chrono:timestamp "%Y";
std:displayln :XXXX ~ (year_str | int) == 2020;
std:assert ~ (year_str | int) == 2020;

!now_str = std:chrono:timestamp[];

12.4 - hash

12.4.1 - std:hash:fnv1a arg1 ...

Hashes all the arguments as FNV1a and returns an integer.

12.5 - rand

12.5.1 - std:rand:split_mix64_new

Initializes the sm_state from the current time (seconds) and returns it. The time is retrieved in seconds, so don't expect different seed states if you call this multiple times in the same wall clock second. The returned value is supposed to be passed to rand:split_mix64_next or rand:split_mix64_next_open01.

12.5.2 - std:rand:split_mix64_new_from seed

Initializes the sm_state from the given seed and returns it. The returned value is supposed to be passed to rand:split_mix64_next or rand:split_mix64_next_open01.

12.5.3 - std:rand:split_mix64_next sm_state [count]

Returns the count next integer values generated from the given sm_state.

12.5.4 - std:rand:split_mix64_next_open01 sm_state [count]

Returns the count next float values (in an open [0, 1) interval) generated from the given sm_state.



Returns a SymbolTable with all WLambda core language symbols.


Returns a SymbolTable with all WLambda standard library language symbols.