widestring 0.2.2

A wide string FFI library for converting to and from Windows Wide "Unicode" (UTF-16) strings.
use std;
use std::mem;
use super::{WideStr, WideString};
use std::ffi::{OsString, OsStr};
use super::platform;

/// An owned, mutable C-style "wide" string for windows FFI that is nul-aware and nul-terminated.
/// `WideCString` is aware of nul values. Unless unchecked conversions are used, all `WideCString`
/// strings end with a nul-terminator in the underlying buffer, and contain no internal nul values.
/// The strings may still contain invalid or ill-formed UTF-16 data. These strings are intended to
/// be used with windows FFI functions that may require nul-terminated strings.
/// `WideCString` can be converted to and from many other string types, including `WideString`,
/// `OsString`, and `String`, making proper Unicode windows FFI safe and easy.
/// # Examples
/// The following example constructs a `WideCString` and shows how to convert a `WideCString` to a
/// regular Rust `String`.
/// ```rust
/// use widestring::WideCString;
/// let v = vec![84u16, 104u16, 101u16]; // 'T' 'h' 'e'
/// // Create a wide string from the vector
/// let wstr = WideCString::from_vec(v).unwrap();
/// // Convert to a rust string!
/// let rust_str = wstr.to_string_lossy();
/// assert_eq!(rust_str, "The");
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct WideCString {
    inner: Box<[u16]>,

/// C-style wide string reference for `WideCString`.
/// `WideCStr` is aware of nul values. Unless unchecked conversions are used, all `WideCStr`
/// strings end with a nul-terminator in the underlying buffer, and contain no internal nul values.
/// The strings may still contain invalid or ill-formed UTF-16 data. These strings are intended to
/// be used with windows FFI functions that may require nul-terminated strings.
/// `WideCStr` can be converted to and from many other string types, including `WideString`,
/// `OsString`, and `String`, making proper Unicode windows FFI safe and easy.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct WideCStr {
    inner: [u16],

/// An error returned from `WideCString` to indicate that an invalid nul value was found.
/// The error indicates the position in the vector where the nul value was found, as well as
/// returning the ownership of the invalid vector.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct NulError(usize, Vec<u16>);

/// An error returned from `WideCString` and `WideCStr` to indicate that a terminating nul value
/// was missing.
/// The error optionally returns the ownership of the invalid vector whenever a vector was owned.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct MissingNulError(Option<Vec<u16>>);

impl WideCString {
    /// Constructs a new empty `WideCString`.
    pub fn new() -> WideCString {
        WideCString { inner: vec![0].into_boxed_slice() }

    /// Constructs a `WideCString` from a container of UTF-16 data.
    /// This method will consume the provided data and use the underlying elements to construct a
    /// new string. The data will be scanned for invalid nul values.
    /// # Failures
    /// This function will return an error if the data contains a nul value.
    /// The returned error will contain the `Vec<u16>` as well as the position of the nul value.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use widestring::WideCString;
    /// let v = vec![84u16, 104u16, 101u16]; // 'T' 'h' 'e'
    /// # let cloned = v.clone();
    /// // Create a wide string from the vector
    /// let wcstr = WideCString::from_vec(v).unwrap();
    /// # assert_eq!(wcstr.into_vec(), cloned);
    /// ```
    /// The following example demonstrates errors from nul values in a vector.
    /// ```rust
    /// use widestring::WideCString;
    /// let v = vec![84u16, 0u16, 104u16, 101u16]; // 'T' NUL 'h' 'e'
    /// // Create a wide string from the vector
    /// let res = WideCString::from_vec(v);
    /// assert!(res.is_err());
    /// assert_eq!(res.err().unwrap().nul_position(), 1);
    /// ```
    pub fn from_vec<T: Into<Vec<u16>>>(v: T) -> Result<WideCString, NulError> {
        let v = v.into();
        // Check for nul vals
        match v.iter().position(|&val| val == 0) {
            None => Ok(unsafe { WideCString::from_vec_unchecked(v) }),
            Some(pos) => Err(NulError(pos, v)),

    /// Constructs a `WideCString` from a nul-terminated container of UTF-16 data.
    /// This method will consume the provided data and use the underlying elements to construct a
    /// new string. The string will be truncated at the first nul value in the string.
    /// # Failures
    /// This function will return an error if the data does not contain a nul to terminate the
    /// string. The returned error will contain the consumed `Vec<u16>`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use widestring::WideCString;
    /// let v = vec![84u16, 104u16, 101u16, 0u16]; // 'T' 'h' 'e' NUL
    /// # let cloned = v[..3].to_owned();
    /// // Create a wide string from the vector
    /// let wcstr = WideCString::from_vec_with_nul(v).unwrap();
    /// # assert_eq!(wcstr.into_vec(), cloned);
    /// ```
    /// The following example demonstrates errors from missing nul values in a vector.
    /// ```rust
    /// use widestring::WideCString;
    /// let v = vec![84u16, 104u16, 101u16]; // 'T' 'h' 'e'
    /// // Create a wide string from the vector
    /// let res = WideCString::from_vec_with_nul(v);
    /// assert!(res.is_err());
    /// ```
    pub fn from_vec_with_nul<T: Into<Vec<u16>>>(v: T) -> Result<WideCString, MissingNulError> {
        let mut v = v.into();
        // Check for nul vals
        match v.iter().position(|&val| val == 0) {
            None => Err(MissingNulError(Some(v))),
            Some(pos) => {
                v.truncate(pos + 1);
                Ok(unsafe { WideCString::from_vec_with_nul_unchecked(v) })

    /// Creates a `WideCString` from a vector without checking for interior nul values.
    /// A terminating nul value will be appended if the vector does not already have a terminating
    /// nul.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method is equivalent to `from_vec` except that no runtime assertion is made that `v`
    /// contains no nul values. Providing a vector with non-terminating nul values will result in an
    /// invalid `WideCString`.
    pub unsafe fn from_vec_unchecked<T: Into<Vec<u16>>>(v: T) -> WideCString {
        let mut v = v.into();
        match v.last() {
            None => v.push(0),
            Some(&c) if c != 0 => v.push(0),
            Some(_) => (),

    /// Creates a `WideCString` from a vector that should have a nul terminator, without checking
    /// for any nul values.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method is equivalent to `from_vec_with_nul` except that no runtime assertion is made
    /// that `v` contains no nul values. Providing a vector without interior nul values or without a
    /// terminating nul value will result in an invalid `WideCString`.
    pub unsafe fn from_vec_with_nul_unchecked<T: Into<Vec<u16>>>(v: T) -> WideCString {
        WideCString { inner: v.into().into_boxed_slice() }

    /// Constructs a `WideCString` from anything that can be converted to an `OsStr`.
    /// The string will be scanned for invalid nul values.
    /// # Failures
    /// This function will return an error if the data contains a nul value.
    /// The returned error will contain a `Vec<u16>` as well as the position of the nul value.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use widestring::WideCString;
    /// let s = "MyString";
    /// // Create a wide string from the string
    /// let wcstr = WideCString::from_str(s).unwrap();
    /// # assert_eq!(wcstr.to_string_lossy(), s);
    /// ```
    /// The following example demonstrates errors from nul values in a vector.
    /// ```rust
    /// use widestring::WideCString;
    /// let s = "My\u{0}String";
    /// // Create a wide string from the string
    /// let res = WideCString::from_str(s);
    /// assert!(res.is_err());
    /// assert_eq!(res.err().unwrap().nul_position(), 2);
    /// ```
    pub fn from_str<T: AsRef<OsStr>>(s: T) -> Result<WideCString, NulError> {
        let v = platform::os_to_wide(s.as_ref());

    /// Constructs a `WideCString` from anything that can be converted to an `OsStr` with a nul
    /// terminator.
    /// The string will be truncated at the first nul value in the string.
    /// # Failures
    /// This function will return an error if the data does not contain a nul to terminate the
    /// string. The returned error will contain the consumed `Vec<u16>`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use widestring::WideCString;
    /// let s = "My\u{0}String";
    /// // Create a wide string from the string
    /// let wcstr = WideCString::from_str_with_nul(s).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(wcstr.to_string_lossy(), "My");
    /// ```
    /// The following example demonstrates errors from missing nul values in a vector.
    /// ```rust
    /// use widestring::WideCString;
    /// let s = "MyString";
    /// // Create a wide string from the string
    /// let res = WideCString::from_str_with_nul(s);
    /// assert!(res.is_err());
    /// ```
    pub fn from_str_with_nul<T: AsRef<OsStr>>(s: T) -> Result<WideCString, MissingNulError> {
        let v = platform::os_to_wide(s.as_ref());

    /// Constructs a `WideCString` from anything that can be converted to a `WideStr`.
    /// The string will be scanned for invalid nul values.
    /// # Failures
    /// This function will return an error if the data contains a nul value.
    /// The returned error will contain a `Vec<u16>` as well as the position of the nul value.
    pub fn from_wide_str<T: AsRef<WideStr>>(s: T) -> Result<WideCString, NulError> {

    /// Constructs a `WideCString` from anything that can be converted to a `WideStr` with a nul
    /// terminator.
    /// The string will be truncated at the first nul value in the string.
    /// # Failures
    /// This function will return an error if the data does not contain a nul to terminate the
    /// string. The returned error will contain the consumed `Vec<u16>`.
    pub fn from_wide_str_with_nul<T: AsRef<WideStr>>(s: T) -> Result<WideCString, MissingNulError> {

    /// Constructs a new `WideCString` copied from a `u16` nul-terminated string pointer.
    /// This will scan for nul values beginning with `p`. The first nul value will be used as the
    /// nul terminator for the string, similar to how libc string functions such as `strlen` work.
    /// # Safety
    /// This function is unsafe as there is no guarantee that the given pointer is valid or has a
    /// nul terminator, and the function could scan past the underlying buffer.
    /// `p` must be non-null.
    /// # Panics
    /// This function panics if `p` is null.
    /// # Caveat
    /// The lifetime for the returned string is inferred from its usage. To prevent accidental
    /// misuse, it's suggested to tie the lifetime to whichever source lifetime is safe in the
    /// context, such as by providing a helper function taking the lifetime of a host value for the
    /// string, or by explicit annotation.
    pub unsafe fn from_ptr_str(p: *const u16) -> WideCString {
        let mut i: isize = 0;
        while *p.offset(i) != 0 {
            i = i + 1;
        let slice = std::slice::from_raw_parts(p, i as usize + 1);

    /// Constructs a new `WideCString` copied from a `u16` pointer and a length.
    /// The `len` argument is the number of `u16` elements, **not** the number of bytes.
    /// The string will be scanned for invalid nul values.
    /// # Failures
    /// This function will return an error if the data contains a nul value.
    /// The returned error will contain a `Vec<u16>` as well as the position of the nul value.
    /// # Safety
    /// This function is unsafe as there is no guarantee that the given pointer is valid for `len`
    /// elements.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `len` is greater than 0 but `p` is a null pointer.
    pub unsafe fn from_ptr(p: *const u16, len: usize) -> Result<WideCString, NulError> {
        if len == 0 {
            return Ok(WideCString::new());
        let slice = std::slice::from_raw_parts(p, len);

    /// Constructs a new `WideString` copied from a `u16` pointer and a length.
    /// The `len` argument is the number of `u16` elements, **not** the number of bytes.
    /// The string will be truncated at the first nul value in the string.
    /// # Failures
    /// This function will return an error if the data does not contain a nul to terminate the
    /// string. The returned error will contain the consumed `Vec<u16>`.
    /// # Safety
    /// This function is unsafe as there is no guarantee that the given pointer is valid for `len`
    /// elements.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `len` is greater than 0 but `p` is a null pointer.
    pub unsafe fn from_ptr_with_nul(p: *const u16,
                                    len: usize)
                                    -> Result<WideCString, MissingNulError> {
        if len == 0 {
            return Ok(WideCString::new());
        let slice = std::slice::from_raw_parts(p, len);

    /// Converts to a `WideCStr` reference.
    pub fn as_wide_c_str(&self) -> &WideCStr {

    /// Converts the wide string into a `Vec<u16>` without a nul terminator, consuming the string in
    /// the process.
    /// The resulting vector will **not** contain a nul-terminator, and will contain no other nul
    /// values.
    pub fn into_vec(self) -> Vec<u16> {
        let mut v = self.inner.into_vec();

    /// Converts the wide string into a `Vec<u16>`, consuming the string in the process.
    /// The resulting vector will contain a nul-terminator and no interior nul values.
    pub fn into_vec_with_nul(self) -> Vec<u16> {

    /// Transfers ownership of the wide string to a C caller.
    /// # Safety
    /// The pointer must be returned to Rust and reconstituted using `from_raw` to be properly
    /// deallocated. Specifically, one should _not_ use the standard C `free` function to deallocate
    /// this string.
    /// Failure to call `from_raw` will lead to a memory leak.
    pub fn into_raw(self) -> *mut u16 {
        Box::into_raw(self.inner) as *mut u16

    /// Retakes ownership of a CString that was transferred to C.
    /// # Safety
    /// This should only ever be called with a pointer that was earlier obtained by calling
    /// `into_raw` on a `WideCString`. Additionally, the length of the string will be recalculated
    /// from the pointer.
    pub unsafe fn from_raw(p: *mut u16) -> WideCString {
        let mut i: isize = 0;
        while *p.offset(i) != 0 {
            i += 1;
        let slice = std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(p, i as usize + 1);
        WideCString { inner: mem::transmute(slice) }

impl Into<Vec<u16>> for WideCString {
    fn into(self) -> Vec<u16> {

impl<'a> From<WideCString> for std::borrow::Cow<'a, WideCStr> {
    fn from(s: WideCString) -> std::borrow::Cow<'a, WideCStr> {
impl From<WideCString> for OsString {
    fn from(s: WideCString) -> OsString {

impl From<WideCString> for WideString {
    fn from(s: WideCString) -> WideString {

impl<'a, T: ?Sized + AsRef<WideCStr>> From<&'a T> for WideCString {
    fn from(s: &'a T) -> WideCString {

impl std::ops::Index<std::ops::RangeFull> for WideCString {
    type Output = WideCStr;

    fn index(&self, _index: std::ops::RangeFull) -> &WideCStr {

impl std::ops::Deref for WideCString {
    type Target = WideCStr;

    fn deref(&self) -> &WideCStr {

impl Default for WideCString {
    fn default() -> WideCString {

impl WideCStr {
    /// Coerces a value into a `WideCStr`.
    pub fn new<'a, S: AsRef<WideCStr> + ?Sized>(s: &'a S) -> &'a WideCStr {

    fn from_inner(slice: &[u16]) -> &WideCStr {
        unsafe { mem::transmute(slice) }

    /// Constructs a `WideStr` from a `u16` nul-terminated string pointer.
    /// This will scan for nul values beginning with `p`. The first nul value will be used as the
    /// nul terminator for the string, similar to how libc string functions such as `strlen` work.
    /// # Safety
    /// This function is unsafe as there is no guarantee that the given pointer is valid or has a
    /// nul terminator, and the function could scan past the underlying buffer.
    /// `p` must be non-null.
    /// # Panics
    /// This function panics if `p` is null.
    /// # Caveat
    /// The lifetime for the returned string is inferred from its usage. To prevent accidental
    /// misuse, it's suggested to tie the lifetime to whichever source lifetime is safe in the
    /// context, such as by providing a helper function taking the lifetime of a host value for the
    /// string, or by explicit annotation.
    pub unsafe fn from_ptr_str<'a>(p: *const u16) -> &'a WideCStr {
        let mut i: isize = 0;
        while *p.offset(i) != 0 {
            i = i + 1;
        mem::transmute(std::slice::from_raw_parts(p, i as usize + 1))

    /// Constructs a `WideStr` from a `u16` pointer and a length.
    /// The `len` argument is the number of `u16` elements, **not** the number of bytes, and does
    /// **not** include the nul terminator of the string. Thus, a `len` of 0 is valid and means that
    /// `p` is a pointer directly to the nul terminator of the string.
    /// # Safety
    /// This function is unsafe as there is no guarantee that the given pointer is valid for `len`
    /// elements.
    /// `p` must be non-null, even for zero `len`.
    /// The interior values of the pointer are not scanned for nul.
    /// # Panics
    /// This function panics if `p` is null or if a nul value is not found at offset `len` of `p`.
    /// Only pointers with a nul terminator are valid.
    /// # Caveat
    /// The lifetime for the returned string is inferred from its usage. To prevent accidental
    /// misuse, it's suggested to tie the lifetime to whichever source lifetime is safe in the
    /// context, such as by providing a helper function taking the lifetime of a host value for the
    /// string, or by explicit annotation.
    pub unsafe fn from_ptr_with_nul<'a>(p: *const u16, len: usize) -> &'a WideCStr {
        assert!(*p.offset(len as isize) == 0);
        mem::transmute(std::slice::from_raw_parts(p, len + 1))

    /// Constructs a `WideCStr` from a slice of `u16` values that has a nul terminator.
    /// The slice will be scanned for nul values. If a nul value is found, it is treated as the
    /// terminator for the string, and the `WideCStr` slice will be truncated to that nul. If no nul
    /// value is found, an error is returned.
    pub fn from_slice_with_nul<'a>(slice: &'a [u16]) -> Result<&'a WideCStr, MissingNulError> {
        match slice.iter().position(|x| *x == 0) {
            None => Err(MissingNulError(None)),
            Some(i) => Ok(unsafe { std::mem::transmute(&slice[..i + 1]) }),

    /// Copies the wide string to an new owned `WideString`.
    pub fn to_wide_c_string(&self) -> WideCString {
        unsafe { WideCString::from_vec_with_nul_unchecked(self.inner.to_owned()) }

    /// Decodes a wide string to an owned `OsString`.
    /// This makes a string copy of the `WideCStr`. Since `WideCStr` makes no guaruntees that it is
    /// valid UTF-16, there is no guaruntee that the resulting `OsString` will be valid data. The
    /// `OsString` will **not** have a nul terminator.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use widestring::WideCString;
    /// use std::ffi::OsString;
    /// let s = "MyString";
    /// // Create a wide string from the string
    /// let wstr = WideCString::from_str(s).unwrap();
    /// // Create an OsString from the wide string
    /// let osstr = wstr.to_os_string();
    /// assert_eq!(osstr, OsString::from(s));
    /// ```
    pub fn to_os_string(&self) -> OsString {

    /// Copies the wide string to a new owned `WideString`.
    /// The `WideString` will **not** have a nul terminator.
    pub fn to_wide_string(&self) -> WideString {

    /// Copies the wide string to a `String` if it contains valid UTF-16 data.
    /// # Failures
    /// Returns an error if the string contains any invalid UTF-16 data.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use widestring::WideCString;
    /// let s = "MyString";
    /// // Create a wide string from the string
    /// let wstr = WideCString::from_str(s).unwrap();
    /// // Create a regular string from the wide string
    /// let s2 = wstr.to_string().unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(s2, s);
    /// ```
    pub fn to_string(&self) -> Result<String, std::string::FromUtf16Error> {

    /// Copies the wide string to a `String`.
    /// Any non-Unicode sequences are replaced with U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use widestring::WideCString;
    /// let s = "MyString";
    /// // Create a wide string from the string
    /// let wstr = WideCString::from_str(s).unwrap();
    /// // Create a regular string from the wide string
    /// let s2 = wstr.to_string_lossy();
    /// assert_eq!(s2, s);
    /// ```
    pub fn to_string_lossy(&self) -> String {

    /// Converts to a slice of the wide string.
    /// The slice will **not** include the nul terminator.
    pub fn as_slice(&self) -> &[u16] {

    /// converts to a slice of the wide string, including the nul terminator.
    pub fn as_slice_with_nul(&self) -> &[u16] {

    /// Returns a raw pointer to the wide string.
    /// The pointer is valid only as long as the lifetime of this reference.
    pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const u16 {

    /// Returns the length of the wide string as number of UTF-16 partial code units (**not** code
    /// points and **not** number of bytes) **not** including nul terminator.
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
        self.inner.len() - 1

    /// Returns whether this wide string contains no data (i.e. is only the nul terminator).
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.len() == 0

impl std::borrow::Borrow<WideCStr> for WideCString {
    fn borrow(&self) -> &WideCStr {

impl ToOwned for WideCStr {
    type Owned = WideCString;
    fn to_owned(&self) -> WideCString {

impl<'a> From<&'a WideCStr> for std::borrow::Cow<'a, WideCStr> {
    fn from(s: &'a WideCStr) -> std::borrow::Cow<'a, WideCStr> {

impl AsRef<WideCStr> for WideCStr {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &WideCStr {

impl AsRef<WideCStr> for WideCString {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &WideCStr {

impl AsRef<[u16]> for WideCStr {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u16] {

impl AsRef<[u16]> for WideCString {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u16] {

impl NulError {
    /// Returns the position of the nul value in the slice that was provided to `WideCString`.
    pub fn nul_position(&self) -> usize {

    /// Consumes this error, returning the underlying vector of u16 values which generated the error
    /// in the first place.
    pub fn into_vec(self) -> Vec<u16> {

impl Into<Vec<u16>> for NulError {
    fn into(self) -> Vec<u16> {

impl std::fmt::Display for NulError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "nul value found at position {}", self.0)

impl std::error::Error for NulError {
    fn description(&self) -> &str {
        "nul value found"

impl MissingNulError {
    /// Consumes this error, returning the underlying vector of u16 values which generated the error
    /// in the first place.
    pub fn into_vec(self) -> Option<Vec<u16>> {

impl std::fmt::Display for MissingNulError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "missing terminating nul value")

impl std::error::Error for MissingNulError {
    fn description(&self) -> &str {
        "missing terminating nul value"