Crate whiteout [] [src]

whiteout provides macros that erase the type of any value into an impl Trait for a given trait. Obviously, this requires #![feature(conservative_impl_trait)] to be enabled on your crate root.


Single values can be erased using the erase! macro.

extern crate whiteout;
fn main() {
    let a = erase!(10, std::ops::Add<i64, Output=i64>);
    assert_eq!(a + 10, 20);

These erased values can't be used together, though; they have different anonymized types. Therefore, you sometimes need the eraser! macro.

extern crate whiteout;

// Define a custom trait and a blanket impl.
trait MyTrait: 
    std::ops::Add<Self, Output=Self> 
    + std::convert::From<i32> 
    + std::fmt::Debug 
    + PartialEq 

impl<T> MyTrait for T 
    where T: std::ops::Add<Self, Output=Self> 
    + std::convert::From<i32> 
    + std::fmt::Debug
    + PartialEq

// Create an eraser function for our custom trait
eraser!(erase_my_trait, MyTrait);

fn main() {
    // Use the eraser function. 
    // If we used erase!(10, MyTrait); for these
    // they would be of different types.
    let a = erase_my_trait(10);
    let b = erase_my_trait(10);
    assert_eq!(a + b, 20.into());



erase!(value, trait) turns a value of any type that implements trait into an erasted type which is impl Trait for that trait.


eraser!(name, trait) creates a function with the given identifier that erases values to an anonymous type that is impl Trait for the given trait