Crate which

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A Rust equivalent of Unix command which(1).


To find which rustc executable binary is using:

use which::which;
use std::path::PathBuf;

let result = which("rustc").unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, PathBuf::from("/usr/bin/rustc"));


An owned, immutable wrapper around a PathBuf containing the canonical path of an executable.

An owned, immutable wrapper around a PathBuf containing the path of an executable.



Find a exectable binary’s path by name.

Find all binaries with binary_name in the path list paths, using cwd to resolve relative paths.

Find binary_name in the path list paths, using cwd to resolve relative paths.

Find all binaries with binary_name in the path list paths, using cwd to resolve relative paths.

Find all binaries matching a regular expression in a the system PATH.

Find all binaries matching a regular expression in a list of paths.

Type Definitions