failed to build wheel_timer-0.1.1
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Visit the last successful build: wheel_timer-0.3.1

Hashed Wheel Timer

Simple hashed wheel timer. See

Port of to Rust for learning.


Impls: Iterator

Create a new timer with the specified max interval:

new(max_interval: uint) -> WheelTimer<T>

Return the number of items currently scheduled:

size(&self) -> uint

Schedule a new value, available after ticks:

schedule(&mut self, ticks: uint, value: T)

Tick the timer, returning the node at the current tick:

tick(&mut self) -> Vec<T>


Rust implementation (vec):

test bench_wheel_timer_drain ... bench:      4644 ns/iter (+/- 628)
test bench_wheel_timer_fast  ... bench:        61 ns/iter (+/- 4)
test bench_wheel_timer_fill  ... bench:        30 ns/iter (+/- 5)

Rust implementation (list):

test bench_wheel_timer_drain ... bench:      8839 ns/iter (+/- 4160)
test bench_wheel_timer_fast  ... bench:       111 ns/iter (+/- 50)
test bench_wheel_timer_fill  ... bench:        73 ns/iter (+/- 33)

Go implementation:

BenchmarkWheelTimer_drain   200000       14081 ns/op
BenchmarkWheelTimer_fast   5000000         407 ns/op
BenchmarkWheelTimer_fill  10000000         152 ns/op