webplatform 0.1.2

APIs for the web platform for cross-compiled Rust to JS.
docs.rs failed to build webplatform-0.1.2
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See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure docs.rs builds.
If you believe this is docs.rs' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: webplatform-0.4.2


let body = HtmlNode::query("body").unwrap();
body.html_set("<h1>HELLO FROM RUST</h1> <button>CLICK ME</button>");
let mut button = HtmlNode::query("button").unwrap();
button.on("click", || alert("WITNESS ME"));

Thanks to the high heavens for tomaka and then AerialX for making this possible.

Building on Your Machine

First install multirust.

Create a new folder. In that folder, save the setup.sh file, then run source setup.sh. It will download and install all the dependencies for the cargo-build setup.

Then clone this repository, cd into it, and run make. Run source setup.sh in your root directory each time you want to set up the environment.

