wavelet-matrix 0.4.0

A wavelet matrix implementation. Supports various near-O(1) queries on large number of symbols or integers.

wavelet-matrix crate for the Rust language

The Wavelet Matrix is a space-efficient variant of Wavelet Tree data structure.


After adding to Cargo.toml, add this line to lib.rs or main.rs.

extern crate wavelet_matrix;


Add to main.rs:

use wavelet_matrix::*;

fn main() {
    let vec: Vec<u64> = vec![1, 2, 4, 5, 1, 0, 4, 6, 2, 9, 2, 0];
    //                       0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11
    let wm = WaveletMatrix::new(&vec);
    assert_eq!(wm.len(), 12);
    assert_eq!(wm.lookup(7), 6);
    assert_eq!(wm.rank(5, 1), 2);
    assert_eq!(wm.select(2, 2), 10);

    println!("Worked as expected!");


Given unsigned integer sequence A, it provides the following queries.

Basic operations

  • .len(): returns the length of A.
  • .lookup(pos): returns the value at the position pos of A, A[pos].


  • .count(pos_range, value): returns the number of the element which satisfies e == value included in A[pos_range]
  • .count_prefix(pos_range, value, ignore_bit): returns the number of the element which satisfies e >> ignore_bit == value >> ignore_bit included in A[pos_range]
    • This will be useful for counting the number of IPv4 prefix such as
  • .count_lt(pos_range, value): returns the number of the element which satisfies e < value included in A[pos_range]
  • .count_gt(pos_range, value): returns the number of the element which satisfies e > value included in A[pos_range]
  • .count_range(pos_range, val_range): returns the number of the element which satisfies val_range.start <= e < val_range.end included in A[pos_range]

Classical WaveletMatrix operations

  • .rank(pos, value): counts value included in A[0..pos].
    • Note: pos is exclusive. When pos is 0, .rank() always returns 0.
  • .select(rank, value): return the position of the (rank+1)-th value
    • Note: When found nothing, it returns .len() instead of None.

Advanced queries

  • to be added



  • Add .count(), .count_prefix(), .count_lt(), .count_gt() and .count_range().
  • [INCOMPATIBLE] WaveletMatrix::new() takes &Vec, instead of Vec


  • [INCOMPATIBLE] .select() now returns .len() instead of None.


  • Implement .top_n for WaveletMatrix

  • Add Benchmark.

    • Implement same queries using trivial algorithm
    • Compare wm's queries against trivial one.
    • Make a nice plot.
  • Profiling

  • Optimize underlying rsdic structure.

  • Add travis CI.

  • Add u128 support or arbitrary-length integer support

  • The fastest implementation on the planet
