Crate wasmer_interface_types_fl[][src]

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This crate contains an implementation of WebAssembly Interface Types (abbreviated WIT). It is composed of 5 parts:

  1. Types and Values: To represent the WIT types and values representations,
  2. AST: To represent the WIT language as a tree (which is not really abstract). This is the central representation of the language.
  3. Decoders: To read the AST from a particular data representation; for instance, decoders::binary::parse reads the AST from a binary.
  4. Encoders: To write the AST into a particular format; for instance, encoders::wat writes the AST into a string representing WIT with its textual format.
  5. Interpreter: WIT defines a concept called Adapters. An adapter contains a set of instructions. So, in more details, this module contains:
    • A very light and generic stack implementation, exposing only the operations required by the interpreter,
    • A stack-based interpreter, defined by:
      • A compiler that transforms a set of instructions into a set of executable instructions,
      • A stack,
      • A runtime that holds the “invocation inputs” (arguments of the interpreter), the stack, and the WebAssembly instance (which holds the exports, the imports, the memories, the tables etc.),
    • An hypothetic WebAssembly runtime, represented as a set of enums, types, and traits —basically this is the part a runtime should take a look to use the wasmer-interface-types crate—.


Represents the WIT language as a tree. This is the central representation of the language.

Reads the AST from a particular data representation; for instance, decoders::binary reads the AST from a binary.

Writes the AST into a particular format; for instance, encoders::wat writes the AST into a string representing WIT with its textual format.

The error module contains all the data structures that represent an error.

A stack-based interpreter to execute instructions of WIT adapters.

Collection of helpful macros.

NEVec<T> represents a non-empty Vec<T>.


Allows you to shorten the expression creates a new InstructionError.

This macro creates a Vec1 by checking at compile-time that its invariant holds.


Represents a record field type.

Represents a record type.

NEVec<T> represents a non-empty Vec<T>. It derefs to Vec<T> directly.


Represents the types supported by WIT.

A WIT value.


A trait for converting a value to bytes.


Deserialize a set of IValues to a type T that implements the Deserialize trait.

Serialize a type T that implements the Serialize trait to an IValue.