wascc-codec 0.4.2

Encoding and decoding primitives for waSCC (WebAssembly Secure Capabilities Connector)

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waSCC Codec

The WebAssembly Secure Capabilities Connector (waSCC) codec library contains a set of types, protobuf messages, and other primitives that are common to the host runtime, capability providers, and actor modules that are created for use with the wascc host runtime, which is in turn built on top of WebAssembly Procedure Call (waPC) primitives.

This crate includes definitions for a standard set of operations supported by the default capability providers:

  • Messaging - Message broker functionality (pub, sub, request)
  • HTTP Server - HTTP server capability
  • HTTP Client - HTTP client capability
  • Key-Value Store - Standard K/V operations, including lists, sets, and atomic counters
  • Blob Store - Cloud-native file storage capability