Expand description

waPC Guest SDK

crates.io license

The wapc-guest library is an implementation of the guest-side of the waPC WebAssembly protocol. wapc-guest gives Rust developers the pieces necessary to easily compile WebAssembly modules that you can load in waPC hosts. Each guest module registers function handlers with register_function(). Each handler should return a CallResult (a Result<Vec<u8>,Box<dyn Error + Sync + Send>>) with the function’s return value.

It’s typically used by code generated by the wapc CLI.


use wapc_guest as wapc;

pub fn wapc_init() {
  wapc::register_function("ping", ping);

fn ping(msg: &[u8]) -> wapc::CallResult {
    "IN_WASM: Received request for `ping` operation with payload : {}",
  let _res = wapc::host_call("binding", "sample:namespace", "pong", msg)?;


This crate is meant for projects targeting wasm32-unknown-unknown or wasm32-wasi.



Glob imports for common guest module development


The __guest_call function is required by waPC guests and should only be called by waPC hosts.

Log function that delegates to the host’s __console_log function

The function through which all host calls take place.

Register a handler for a waPC operation

Type Definitions

CallResult is the result for all waPC host and guest calls.

A generic type for the result of waPC operation handlers.