[][src]Module vxdraw::text

Methods and types to control text rendering

Example - Drawing centered text

use cgmath::{prelude::*, Deg, Matrix4};
use vxdraw::{text, void_logger, ShowWindow, VxDraw};
const DEJAVU: &[u8] = include_bytes!["../fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf"];
fn main() {
    #[cfg(feature = "doctest-headless")]
    let mut vx = VxDraw::new(void_logger(), ShowWindow::Headless1k);
    #[cfg(not(feature = "doctest-headless"))]
    let mut vx = VxDraw::new(void_logger(), ShowWindow::Enable);

    // Create a new layer. A layer consists of a font file and some options
    let mut layer = vx.text().add_layer(DEJAVU, text::LayerOptions::new());

    // Create a new piece of text. We use the origin to center the text. The origin spans
    // between 0 and 1, where 0 is the left-most side of the entire text section, and 1 the
    // right-most. The same goes for the top and bottom respectively. Note that values outside
    // of 0 to 1 are allowed, and define the origin of transformations on that text.
        &mut layer,
        "This text shall be\ncentered, as a whole,\nbut each line is not centered individually",
        text::TextOptions::new().font_size(40.0).origin((0.5, 0.5)),


    #[cfg(not(feature = "doctest-headless"))]
    std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::new(3, 0));

Example - Textured text

Text itself does not directly support textures, but by using blending modes we can overlay a texture onto the text.

use cgmath::{prelude::*, Deg, Matrix4};
use vxdraw::{blender, dyntex::{Filter, ImgData, LayerOptions, Sprite}, quads, text, void_logger, ShowWindow, VxDraw};
fn main() {
    static FOREST: &ImgData = &ImgData::PNGBytes(include_bytes!["../images/testure.png"]);
    const DEJAVU: &[u8] = include_bytes!["../fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf"];

    #[cfg(feature = "doctest-headless")]
    let mut vx = VxDraw::new(void_logger(), ShowWindow::Headless1k);
    #[cfg(not(feature = "doctest-headless"))]
    let mut vx = VxDraw::new(void_logger(), ShowWindow::Enable);

    let clear_alpha = vx.quads().add_layer(&quads::LayerOptions::new().blend(|x| {
        x.alpha(blender::BlendOp::Add {
            src: blender::BlendFactor::Zero,
            dst: blender::BlendFactor::Zero,

    let text =  vx.text().add_layer(DEJAVU, text::LayerOptions::new().blend(|x| {
        x.alpha(blender::BlendOp::Add {
            src: blender::BlendFactor::One,
            dst: blender::BlendFactor::Zero,

    let texture = vx.dyntex().add_layer(
        &LayerOptions::new().blend(|x| {
            x.colors(blender::BlendOp::Add {
                src: blender::BlendFactor::DstAlpha,
                dst: blender::BlendFactor::OneMinusDstAlpha,

    vx.quads().add(&clear_alpha, quads::Quad::new());
    vx.text().add(&text, "This is\ntextured text", text::TextOptions::new()
        .origin((0.5, 0.5))
    vx.dyntex().add(&texture, Sprite::new().scale(1.0));

    #[cfg(not(feature = "doctest-headless"))]
    std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::new(3, 0));



Handle to a piece of text


Handle to a layer (a single glyph store/font)


Options for this text layer


Options when adding a text


Accessor object to all text



Specify filter options


Enum describing which fragment shader to use


Enum describing which vertex shader to use