Expand description

Commands that the GPU will execute (includes draw commands).

With Vulkan, before the GPU can do anything you must create a CommandBuffer. A command buffer is a list of commands that will executed by the GPU. Once a command buffer is created, you can execute it. A command buffer must always be created even for the most simple tasks.

Primary and secondary command buffers.

There are three types of command buffers:

  • Primary command buffers. They can contain any command. They are the only type of command buffer that can be submitted to a queue.
  • Secondary “graphics” command buffers. They can only contain draw and clear commands. They can only be called from a primary command buffer when inside a render pass.
  • Secondary “compute” command buffers. They can only contain non-render-pass-related commands (ie. everything but drawing, clearing, etc.) and cannot enter a render pass. They can only be called from a primary command buffer outside of a render pass.

Using secondary command buffers leads to slightly lower performance on the GPU, but they have two advantages on the CPU side:

  • Building a command buffer is a single-threaded operation, but by using secondary command buffers you can build multiple secondary command buffers in multiple threads simultaneously.
  • Secondary command buffers can be kept alive between frames. When you always repeat the same operations, it might be a good idea to build a secondary command buffer once at initialization and then reuse it afterwards.

The AutoCommandBufferBuilder

The most basic (and recommended) way to create a command buffer is to create a AutoCommandBufferBuilder, then record commands to it. When you are done adding commands, build it to obtain either a PrimaryAutoCommandBuffer or SecondAutoCommandBuffer.

Once built, use the PrimaryCommandBuffer trait to submit the command buffer. Submitting a command buffer returns an object that implements the GpuFuture trait and that represents the moment when the execution will end on the GPU.

use vulkano::command_buffer::AutoCommandBufferBuilder;
use vulkano::command_buffer::CommandBufferUsage;
use vulkano::command_buffer::PrimaryCommandBuffer;
use vulkano::command_buffer::SubpassContents;

let cb = AutoCommandBufferBuilder::primary(
.begin_render_pass(render_pass_begin_info, SubpassContents::Inline).unwrap()
.bind_vertex_buffers(0, vertex_buffer.clone())
.draw(vertex_buffer.len() as u32, 1, 0, 0).unwrap()

let _future = cb.execute(queue.clone());

Internal architecture of vulkano

The commands_raw and commands_extra modules contain structs that correspond to various commands that can be added to command buffer builders. A command can be added to a command buffer builder by using the AddCommand<C> trait, where C is the command struct.

The AutoCommandBufferBuilder internally uses a UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder wrapped around multiple layers. See the cb module for more information.

Command pools are automatically handled by default, but vulkano also allows you to use alternative command pool implementations and use them. See the pool module for more information.


In the Vulkan API, command buffers must be allocated from command pools.

Low-level builders that allow submitting an operation to a queue.

Contains SyncCommandBufferBuilder and SyncCommandBuffer.


Note that command buffers allocated from the default command pool (Arc<StandardCommandPool>) don’t implement the Send and Sync traits. If you use this pool, then the AutoCommandBufferBuilder will not implement Send and Sync either. Once a command buffer is built, however, it does implement Send and Sync.

Parameters to blit image data.

A region of data to copy between buffers.

A region of data to copy between a buffer and an image.

Parameters to clear a color image.

Parameters to clear a depth/stencil image.

Specifies the clear region for the clear_attachments command.

Represents a command buffer being executed by the GPU and the moment when the execution finishes.

The context that a secondary command buffer can inherit from the primary command buffer it’s executed in.

The render pass context that a secondary command buffer is created for.

The dynamic rendering context that a secondary command buffer is created for.

Parameters to copy data from a buffer to another buffer.

Parameters to copy data from a buffer to another buffer, with type information.

Parameters to copy data from a buffer to an image.

Parameters to copy data from an image to another image.

Parameters to copy data from an image to a buffer.

Parameters to fill a region of a buffer with repeated copies of a value.

A region of data to blit between images.

A region of data to copy between images.

A region of data to resolve between images.

Parameters to begin a new render pass.

Parameters to specify properties of an attachment.

Parameters to specify the resolve behavior of an attachment.

Parameters to begin rendering.

Parameters to resolve image data.

Prototype for a vkCmdExecuteCommands.


Error that can happen when checking descriptor sets validity.

Error that can happen when checking dispatch command validity.

Error that can happen when validating dynamic states.

Error that can happen when checking whether binding an index buffer is valid.

Error that can happen when checking whether binding an indirect buffer is valid.

Error that can happen when checking whether the pipeline is valid.

Error that can happen when checking push constants validity.

Error that can happen when checking whether the vertex buffers are valid.

Clear attachment type, used in clear_attachments command.

Error that can happen when beginning recording of a command buffer.

Error that can happen when attempting to execute a command buffer.

Selects the type of render pass for command buffer inheritance.

Determines the kind of command buffer to create.

Usage flags to pass when creating a command buffer.

Error that can happen when recording a copy command.

Indicates which resource a CopyError applies to.

Error that can happen when recording a debug utils command.

Error that can happen when executing a secondary command buffer.

Error that can happen when calling a query command.

Error that can happen when recording a render pass command.

Describes what a subpass in a command buffer will contain.
