Module vulkano::pipeline::shader[][src]

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Stage of a graphics pipeline.

In Vulkan, shaders are grouped in shader modules. Each shader module is built from SPIR-V code and can contain one or more entry points. Note that for the moment the official GLSL-to-SPIR-V compiler does not support multiple entry points.

The vulkano library does not provide any functionality that checks and introspects the SPIR-V code, therefore the whole shader-related API is unsafe. You are encouraged to use the vulkano-shaders crate that will generate Rust code that wraps around vulkano’s shaders API.


Represents the entry point of a compute shader in a shader module.

Represents a shader entry point in a shader module.

Type that contains the definition of an interface between two shader stages, or between the outside and a shader stage.

Entry of a shader interface definition.

Contains SPIR-V code with one or more entry points.

Describes a set of shader stages.

Describes an individual constant to set in the shader. Also a field in the struct.


Declares which type of primitives are expected by the geometry shader.

Error that can happen when the interface mismatches between two shader stages.

Error when checking that a ShaderStages object is a superset of another.


Trait for types that contain specialization data for shaders.