vsop87 0.4.0

VSOP87 Rust implementation. Includes VSOP87, VSOP87A, VSOP87B and VSOP87C versions. The rest of the versions (VSOP87D and VSOP87E) will be implemented in the future.

VSOP87 Rust implementation

Coverage Status Build Status

This library implements the VSOP87 algorithm in Rust. The use can be seen in the documentation. The library currently is divided in one module per VSOP87 version implementation. The implemented ones are basic VSOP87 algorithm, VSOP87A, VSOP87B and VSOP87C. The rest of the algorithms (VSOP87D and VSOP87E) will be implemented in the future.

What are the python files for?

Well, currently there are two python files in the repository. One would be tests.py and the other one data.py. Those are for generating the data needed for the algorithm along with the tests. They take the original VSOP87 files from the data directory and create the needed constants and tests for the library. They will be removed once the library is stabilized. They try to create perfect Rust code.