[][src]Module vrp_core::models::matrix

Contains functionality to work with solution represented in adjacency matrix from.

This is experimental functionality with a main purpose to design more sophisticated metaheuristics which capable to produce *unfeasible solutions and convert them to feasible.

*unfeasible solution is solution which has at least one violation of hard constraint.

Encoding schema:

For each job in plan create a tuple: single -> places -> times : (job, 0, place_index, time_window_index) multi -> singles-> places-> times -> (job, single_index, place_index, time_window_index) => assign unique index

For each actor in fleet create a tuple: actors -> (start, time), (end, time) -> unique => assign unique index (agreed indexing within jobs)


from problem: actors: a b c activities: (01) 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 (10) where (01) and (10) - depots (start and end)

routes with their activities in solution: a: 01 03 06 08 10 b: 01 07 04 10 c: 01 09 05 02 10

adjacency matrix: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 01 a b c 02 c 03 a 04 b 05 c 06 a 07 b 08 a 09 c 10



Provides way to encode/decode solution to adjacency matrix representation.


A simple AdjacencyMatrix using naive sparse matrix implementation.



An adjacency matrix trait specifies behaviour of a data structure which is used to store VRP solution.