vowpalwabbit-sys 8.8.0+post1

Rust bindings for VowpalWabbit
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Rust bindings for the VowpalWabbit C-binding surface.


The following is an example for a basic usecase similar to command line driver mode. VW is initialized, an example run through the parser then prediction pipeline. Finally the example and VW object are finished.

use std::ffi::CString;

unsafe {
let command_line_str = CString::new("--quiet").unwrap();
let vw_handle = vowpalwabbit_sys::VW_InitializeA(command_line_str.as_ptr());
let example_str =
CString::new("1 | test example=1").unwrap();
let example_handle = vowpalwabbit_sys::VW_ReadExampleA(vw_handle, example_str.as_ptr());

vowpalwabbit_sys::VW_Predict(vw_handle, example_handle);
vowpalwabbit_sys::VW_Learn(vw_handle, example_handle);
vowpalwabbit_sys::VW_FinishExample(vw_handle, example_handle);