Expand description

Atomic abstractions and thread-safe appendable list with lock-free iterators


Atomic abstractions

With Atomic and AtomicOption it’s not safe to get a reference, you must replace the value to access it.

To safely get a reference of T you must use FillOnceAtomicOption and accept the API limitations (initially None but can be filled once).

For a safe AtomicArc you must use some data-structure from arc-swap, RwLock/Mutex from parking_lot (or std, which is slower but the standard) or FillOnceAtomicArc and accept the limited API (2018).

Thread-safe appendable list that can create a lock-free iterator

API of VS Iterator


Setup logger according to RUST_LOG env var and logs feature

Enable the feature:


voluntary_servitude = { version = "4", features = "logs" }

Set the RUST_LOG env var:

export RUST_LOG=voluntary_servitude=trace
export RUST_LOG=voluntary_servitude=debug
export RUST_LOG=voluntary_servitude=info
export RUST_LOG=voluntary_servitude=warn
export RUST_LOG=voluntary_servitude=error

Enable the logger using some setup (like env_logger)

// Call code to be logged
// ...


Atomic abstractions


Creates new VS with specified elements as in the vec! macro
Alias for voluntary_servitude macro


Lock-free iterator based on VS
Happens when you call try_store in a already filled AtomicOption/FillOnceAtomicOption/FillOnceAtomicArc
Appendable list with lock-free iterator (also called VS)

Type Definitions