virt-ic 0.3.0

virtual integrated circuits - an backend IC emulator

Virtual Integrated Circuits


This library is a Integrated Circuit Emulator backend that can simulate interactions between multiple chips.

Note that for now there is only Digital circuit emulation, Analog signals will be implemented later.

You start by creating a Board, and then you add Traces or Sockets, and then you plug Chips and link Pins together to form a virtual circuit. You can then run the circuit to emulate the chips and links between them.

This library is a Backend emulator, it means that there is no GUI (yet) to create boards.


  • Build Boards with chips and traces between them
  • Simulate the board for a certain duration with a certain step, it's also possible to run it in realtime !
  • Save and load the board to backup your design or continue your simulation later

Available Built-in Chips

  • Generator
  • Buttons
  • Logic Gates (And, Or, Not)
  • Clocks
  • Memory (RAM, ROM)
  • CPU (right now there is only one fictional CPU)


This project is open to any contribution, from code reviewing to direct contribution ! You can :

  • Suggest or Improve current code
  • Suggest or Add new features
  • Suggest or Add new built-in chips
  • Any initiative is welcome !

example usage

use virt_ic::chip::gates::GateAnd;
use virt_ic::chip::generators::Generator;
use virt_ic::chip::Chip;
use virt_ic::{Board,State};
use std::time::Duration;

fn main() {
    // create a board
    let mut board = Board::new();
    // place sockets with chips on the board
    let gen = board.new_socket_with(Box::new(Generator::new()));
    let and_gate = board.new_socket_with(Box::new(GateAnd::new()));
    // place traces 
        // VCC
        let trc = board.new_trace();
        // GND
        let trc = board.new_trace();
        // link pin "A&B" to pin "C"
        let trc = board.new_trace();
    // run the board to update its state
    // we simulate 1 second segmented by 100 milliseconds
    board.run_during(Duration::from_secs(1), Duration::from_millis(100));
    // test the chip
    let a_b = and_gate.borrow_mut().get_pin_state(GateAnd::A_AND_B).as_bool();
    println!("000:\t{}\t{}", a_b, and_gate.borrow_mut().get_pin_state(GateAnd::C_AND_D).as_bool());

    // set some pins manually and test the result
    and_gate.borrow_mut().set_pin_state(GateAnd::A, &State::High);
    and_gate.borrow_mut().set_pin_state(GateAnd::B, &State::High);
    and_gate.borrow_mut().set_pin_state(GateAnd::C, &State::Low);
    board.run_during(Duration::from_secs(1), Duration::from_millis(100));
    let a_b = and_gate.borrow_mut().get_pin_state(GateAnd::A_AND_B).as_bool();
    println!("110:\t{}\t{}", a_b, and_gate.borrow_mut().get_pin_state(GateAnd::C_AND_D).as_bool());

    and_gate.borrow_mut().set_pin_state(GateAnd::C, &State::High);
    board.run_during(Duration::from_secs(1), Duration::from_millis(100));
    let a_b = and_gate.borrow_mut().get_pin_state(GateAnd::A_AND_B).as_bool();
    println!("111:\t{}\t{}", a_b, and_gate.borrow_mut().get_pin_state(GateAnd::C_AND_D).as_bool());

    and_gate.borrow_mut().set_pin_state(GateAnd::A, &State::Low);
    and_gate.borrow_mut().set_pin_state(GateAnd::B, &State::Low);
    and_gate.borrow_mut().set_pin_state(GateAnd::C, &State::High);
    board.run_during(Duration::from_secs(1), Duration::from_millis(100));

    let a_b = and_gate.borrow_mut().get_pin_state(GateAnd::A_AND_B).as_bool();
    println!("001:\t{}\t{}", a_b, and_gate.borrow_mut().get_pin_state(GateAnd::C_AND_D).as_bool());


Take a look at the generated documentation.


See examples :

  • readme : Same example as provided in this readme
  • ram-test : A simple test of a RAM chip
  • cpu-test : A simple circuit containing a minimal setup running a CPU processing factorial of 5