Crate vikos [] [src]

A machine learning library for supervised regression trainings

This library wants to enable its user to write teachers independent of the model trained or the cost function tried to minimize. Consequently its three most important traits are Model, Cost and Training.


Look, a bunch of data! Let's do something with it.

let history = [
   (2.0, 1.0), (3.0, 3.0), (3.5, 4.0),
   (5.0, 7.0), (5.5, 8.0), (7.0, 11.0),
   (16.0, 29.0)

The first element of the tuple is our feature vector, the second elements represents the truth. We want to use a Traning to find the coefficents of a Model which minimize a Cost function. Let's start with finding the mean value of the truth.

Estimating mean

use vikos::{model, cost, teacher, teach_history, Model};
//mean is 9, but we don't know that yet of course
let history = [
   (2.0, 1.0), (3.0, 3.0), (3.5, 4.0),
   (5.0, 7.0), (5.5, 8.0), (7.0, 11.0),
   (16.0, 29.0)

// The mean is just a simple number ...
let mut model = model::Constant::new(0.0);
// ... which minimizes the square error
let cost = cost::LeastSquares{};
// Use Stochasic Gradient Descent with an annealed learning rate
let teacher = teacher::GradientDescentAl{ l0 : 0.3, t : 4.0 };
// Train 100 (admitettly repetitive) events
teach_history(&teacher, &cost, &mut model, history.iter().cycle().take(100).cloned());
// We need an input vector for predictions, the 42 won't influence the mean
println!("{}", model.predict(&42.0));
// Since we know models type is `Constant` we could just access the members
println!("{}", model.c);

As far as the mean is concerned the first element is just ignored. The code would also compile if the first element would be an empty tuple or any other type for that matter.

Estimating median

If we want to estimate the median instead we only need to change our cost function

use vikos::{model, cost, teacher, teach_history, Model};
//median is 7, but we don't know that yet of course
let history = [
   (2.0, 1.0), (3.0, 3.0), (3.5, 4.0),
   (5.0, 7.0), (5.5, 8.0), (7.0, 11.0),
   (16.0, 29.0)

// The median is just a simple number ...
let mut model = model::Constant::new(0.0);
// ... which minimizes the absolute error
let cost = cost::LeastAbsoluteDeviation{};
let teacher = teacher::GradientDescentAl{ l0 : 1.0, t : 9.0 };
teach_history(&teacher, &cost, &mut model, history.iter().cycle().take(100).cloned());

Most notably we changed the cost function to train for the median. We also had to increase our learning rate to be able to converge to 7 more quickly. Maybe we should try a slightly more sophisticated Training algorithm.

Estimating median again

use vikos::{model, cost, teacher, teach_history, Model};
//median is 7, but we don't know that yet of course
let history = [
   (2.0, 1.0), (3.0, 3.0), (3.5, 4.0),
   (5.0, 7.0), (5.5, 8.0), (7.0, 11.0),
   (16.0, 29.0)

// The median is just a simple number ...
let mut model = model::Constant::new(0.0);
// ... which minimizes the absolute error
let cost = cost::LeastAbsoluteDeviation{};
// Use Stochasic Gradient Descent with an annealed learning rate and momentum
let teacher = teacher::Momentum{ l0 : 1.0, t : 3.0, inertia : 0.9};
teach_history(&teacher, &cost, &mut model, history.iter().cycle().take(100).cloned());
println!("{}", model.predict(&42.0));

The momentum term allowed us to drop our learning rate way quicker and to retrieve a more precise result in the same number of iterations. The algorithms and their parameters are not the point however, the important thing is we could switch them quite easily and independent of our cost function and our model. Speaking of which, it is time to fit a straight line through our data points.

Line of best fit

use vikos::{model, cost, teacher, teach_history, Model};
//Best described by 2 * m - 3
let history = [
   (2.0, 1.0), (3.0, 3.0), (3.5, 4.0),
   (5.0, 7.0), (5.5, 8.0), (7.0, 11.0),
   (16.0, 29.0)

let mut model = model::Linear{ m : 0.0, c : 0.0 };
let cost = cost::LeastSquares{};
let teacher = teacher::Momentum{ l0 : 0.001, t : 1000.0, inertia : 0.9};
teach_history(&teacher, &cost, &mut model, history.iter().cycle().take(500).cloned());
for &(input, truth) in history.iter(){
    println!("Input: {}, Truth: {}, Prediction: {}", input, truth, model.predict(&input));
println!("slope: {}, intercept: {}", model.m, model.c);



Implementations of Cost trait


Defines linear algebra traits used for some model parameters


Implementations of Model trait


Implementatios of Teacher trait


Implementations of Training trait



Cost functions those value is supposed be minimized by the training algorithm


A Model is defines how to predict a target from an input


Teachers are used to train Models, based on events and a Cost function


Teaches event to a Model



Teaches model all events in history