[][src]Macro vial::bundle_assets

macro_rules! bundle_assets {
    ($dir:expr) => { ... };

If you want to bundle your assets into your final binary in release mode, then you need to call vial::bundle_assets!() with the path to your asset directory in a build.rs file.

Bundling assets and setting an asset path using vial::asset_dir!() are mutually exclusive - you can't do both, as enabling bundling will set the asset path for you. Therefor if you are making the transition from using-assets-but-not-bundling to using-assets-and-bundling-them, make sure to remove your call to vial::asset_dir!.

To bundle your assets, first add vial as a build-dependency in your toml file:

vial = "0.1"

Then either create or open your existing build.rs file in the root of your project and call vial::bundle_assets! with the path to your asset directory:

fn main() {

This will now bundle your assets in --release mode and use the disk in debug and test mode. All calls to functions in the assets module should work.