version-sync 0.8.1

Simple crate for ensuring that version numbers in README files are updated when the crate version changes.
# Keep your Version Numbers in Sync with Cargo.toml


Rust projects typically reference the crate version number in several
places, such as the `` file. The `version-sync` crate makes
it easy to add an integration test that checks that `` is
updated when the crate version changes.

## Usage

Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:
version-sync = "0.8"

Then create a `tests/` file with:
fn test_readme_deps() {

fn test_html_root_url() {

This integration test will ensure that the dependencies mentioned in
your `` file is kept in sync with your crate version and that
your `html_root_url` points to the correct documentation on
If everything is well, the test passes:

$ cargo test
    Finished debug [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0 secs
     Running target/debug/deps/version_numbers-504f17c82f1defea

running 2 tests
test test_readme_deps ... ok
test test_html_root_url ... ok

test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured

If the README or `html_root_url` is out of sync with the crate
version, the tests fail. In this example, the version number in
`Cargo.toml` has been changed to 0.2.0 while the `` and
`html_root_url` remain unchanged. The tests now fail and the
problematic TOML code and attribute are shown:

$ cargo test
    Finished debug [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0 secs
     Running target/debug/deps/version_numbers-f399bac3e468d035

running 2 tests
test test_readme_deps ... FAILED
test test_html_root_url ... FAILED


---- test_readme_deps stdout ----
	Checking code blocks in (line 20) ... expected minor version 2, found 1 in
    version-sync = "0.1"

thread 'test_readme_deps' panicked at 'dependency errors in', tests/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

---- test_html_root_url stdout ----
	Checking doc attributes in src/
src/ ... expected minor version 2, found 1 in
    #![doc(html_root_url = "")]

thread 'test_html_root_url' panicked at 'html_root_url errors in src/', tests/


test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 2 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured

error: test failed

### Excluding TOML Code

You can add `no_sync` to the language line in a code block to exclude
it from the checks done by `assert_markdown_deps_updated!`:

your_crate = "0.1.2"

## Release History

This is a changelog describing the most important changes per release.

### Version 0.8.1 — April 3rd, 2019

Dependencies were relaxed to make it easier to upgrade `version-sync`.

### Version 0.8.0 — March 28th, 2019

We now use [Rust 2018][rust-2018], which means we require Rust version
1.31.0 or later. The `assert_html_root_url_updated!` macro will again
report accurate line numbers based on span information from the `syn`

### Version 0.7.0 — January 14th, 2019

Special characters are now correctly escaped in the `{name}` and
`{version}` placeholders in `assert_contains_regex!`.

Dependencies were updated and `version-sync` now requires Rust version
1.27.2 or later.

### Version 0.6.0 — November 22nd, 2018

You can use `assert_contains_regex!` to grep files for the current
version number. The search is done with a regular expression where
`{version}` is replaced with the current version number.

Git dependencies are now always accepted, which means that blocks like

your_crate = { git = "..." }

will work without you having to add `no_sync`.

Issues closed:

* [#17][issue-17]: Allow to check non-markdown sources
* [#39][issue-39]: Version 0.5 requires Rust version 1.21.0
* [#42][issue-42]: Handle Git dependencies

### Version 0.5.0 — November 19th, 2017

Dependencies were updated and `version-sync` now requires Rust version
1.21 or later.

Error messages from `assert_html_root_url_updated!` now again include
line numbers (based on a heuristic until the `syn` crate can provide
the information).

### Version 0.4.0 — November 1st, 2017

This release replaces the dependency on the abandoned `syntex_syntax`
with with a dependency on the much lighter `syn` crate. This improves
compilation speed. Unfortunately, the `syn` crate does not provide
information about line numbers, so error messages are are no longer as
good. We might be able to work around that in a later version.

### Version 0.3.1 — September 26th, 2017

This release fixes a small problem with the handling of pre-release

Issues closed:

* [#19][issue-19]: Pre-release identifiers were ignored.

### Version 0.3.0 — September 23rd, 2017

When checking dependencies in READMEs, TOML blocks can now be excluded
from the check by adding `no_sync` to the language line:

your_crate = "0.1"

This TOML block will not be checked. This is similar to `no_run` for
Rust code blocks.

### Version 0.2.0 — September 20th, 2017

Added `assert_html_root_url_updated!` which will check that the
`html_root_url` attribute points to the correct version of the crate
documentation on

### Version 0.1.3 — September 18th, 2017

First public release with support for finding outdated version numbers
in `dependencies` and `dev-dependencies`.

Versions 0.1.0 to 0.1.2 were released under the name `check-versions`.

## License

Version-sync can be distributed according to the [MIT license][mit].
Contributions will be accepted under the same license.

[mit]: LICENSE