vergen 0.0.9

Generate version related functions failed to build vergen-0.0.9
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: vergen-9.0.0-beta.2


Includes 3 functions for use in version strings in at compile time via a custom cargo build script.

Note: This currently only works for projects using git building on Linux or msys2. I haven't tested on Mac OS/X, but it will work if the date command exists. I plan to expand the functionality to additional platforms eventually.

pub fn now() -> &'static str {
   // Output of 'date --rc-3339=ns'

pub fn short_now() -> &'static str {
   // Output of 'date --rc-3339=date'

pub fn sha() -> &'static str {
   // Output of 'git rev-parse HEAD'

pub fn short_sha() -> &'static str {
   // Output of 'git rev-parse --short HEAD'

pub fn commit_date() -> &'static str {
   // Output of 'git log --pretty=format:"%ad" -n1 --date=short'

pub fn target() -> &'static str {
   // env::var("TARGET")

pub fn semver() -> &'static str {
   // output of 'git describe'
   // this works best if you tag your releases 'vX.X.X'
   // and create a new tag on master after a release 'vX.X.Y-pre'


Build Status

Basic Usage


build = ""
vergen = "*"

use vergen::vergen;

fn main() {

include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));

// The following is an exmaple.  You could use now(), sha(), and semver() however you want.
fn version() -> String {
    format!("{} {} {}", now(), sha(), semver())
    // 2015-02-11 15:35:30.991638113-05:00 b8acdc17bbf0d9928f08b15cba6d3b659770a624 rh v0.0.1-pre-21-gb8acdc1