vergen 8.3.1

Generate 'cargo:rustc-env' instructions via '' for use in your code via the 'env!' macro

vergen - Emit cargo instructions from a build script

vergen, when used in conjunction with cargo build scripts can emit the following:

Current Release codecov CI sponsor


The current minimum supported rust version is 1.70.0

Example Usage

See the documentation at for example usage

Cargo feature unification for vergen versions prior to 8.3.0

When a dependency is used by multiple packages, Cargo will use the union of all features enabled on that dependency when building it. Prior to version 8.3.0, vergen had a set of mutually exclusive features gitcl, git2, and gitoxide to enable to specific git backend you wished to use. If your crate has a dependency on another crate that uses vergen, your crate may fail to compile if you select a different git backend then the crate you depend on. For example, your crate depends on fancy-lib.

fancy-lib Cargo.toml

vergen = { version = "8.2.10", features = ["git","gitcl"] }

your crate Cargo.toml

fancy-lib = "0.1.0"

vergen = { version = "8.2.10", features = ["git","gitoxide"] }

Your crate will fail to compile because cargo unifies this to

vergen = { version = "8.2.10", features = ["git","gitcl","gitoxide"] }

and prior to 8.3.0 vergen will not compile with both gitcl and gitoxide as features.

As a workaround, you can use cargo tree -f "{p} {f}" | grep vergen to determine the feature list cargo has set for vergen. If a git backend has already been determined you will be able to use that without declaring those features in your dependency list. This is not perfect as this leaves you at the mercy of your dependency and the git feature they selected, but it's a workaround until version 9 comes out.

fancy-lib Cargo.toml

vergen = { version = "8.2.10", features = ["git","gitcl"] }

your crate Cargo.toml

fancy-lib = "0.1.0"

vergen = "8.2.10"


vergen = { version = "8.2.10", features = ["git","gitcl"] }

Cargo feature unification for vergen versions 8.3.0 and beyond

vergen will accept gitcl,git2, and gitoxide as features. If more than one of them is included, vergen will select gitcl before git2 and git2 before gitoxide.

Notes about the optional git2 dependency

git2 picked up some security related features. In docker environments especially, this requires a configuration. There are a couple methods for achieving this.

  1. If you control the build, you can add git config --global --add /workspace to the build file.
  2. If you do not control the docker build, you can add git config --global --add /workspace && before the actual command you are running when using docker run.
  3. If you do not control the docker build, you can mount a .gitconfig file at /root that includes the configuration. I use this method myself when building static binaries with clux/muslrust.

docker run -v cargo-cache:/root/.cargo/registry -v (pwd):/volume -v ~/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig:ro --rm -t clux/muslrust:stable cargo build --release

See for more discussion on the topic. If the solutions above do not work for your usecase, you can pin your vergen version to 7.4.3, with the caveat you will be exposed to the issues described at the link above.


See the documentation at


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.