Crate vek [] [src]

Generic but efficient SIMD vector+matrix library for game engines, with focus on intent and the small bits that make you happier as a user.

DO NOT USE (yet). This is very much a work-in progress, breaking changes happen all the time on a whim.

The efficiency claim is based on the fact that implementations are specialized according to the target hardware, and the generated assembly is checked to ensure it is optimal.
As you would expect, SSE-enabled x86 CPUs do benefit from this.

See the FAQ in the README and the the roadmap to 1.0 for more info.


Here is what vek has to offer:

  • General-purpose vectors: Vec2<T>, Vec3<T>, Vec4<T>. They are tuple structs and have the same features as spatial vectors.
  • "Data crunching" vectors: Vec8<T>, Vec16<T>, Vec32<T>, Vec64<T>, useful for performing basic operaton on many elements in the best way allowed by CPU features.
  • Spatial vectors: Xy<T>, Xyz<T>, Xyzw<T>. They are for storing points and directions in euclidian spaces.
  • RGB vectors: Rgb<T>, Rgba<T>. They have extended functionality related to color.
  • Texture coordinate vectors: Uv<T>, Uvw<T>;
  • Spatial extent vectors: Extent2<T>, Extent3<T>, for representing width, height and depth.
  • Square matrices: Mat2<T>, Mat3<T>, Mat4<T>.

Matrices can be row-major or column-major at your option, because there are use cases for both layouts, even though column-major is often better performance-wise.

Types share functionality whenever relevant.
Also, there are several (concise) ways to convert from one vector type to another:

  • Vectors implement AsRef and AsMut on any lower-dimensioned Vector with the same element type.
  • Vectors implement From on any Vector or tuple type with the same element type. When converting to a higher-dimensioned vector, uninitialized elements are set to the default value of their type.

Here's a small taste of what using this crate could look like :

// TODO make this example work
use vek::mat::row_major::Mat4 as Rows4;
use vek::mat::column_major::Mat4 as Cols4;
use vek::vec::Xyzw;
use std::f32::consts::PI;

let position = Xyzw::new_point(1_f32, 2_f32, 3_f32);
let model: Cols4<_> = Rows4::rotation_x(PI) * Cols4::rotation_3d(PI, position);
let new_position = model * position;

You can use straight tuple types for convenience, however since their memory layout is undefined, the compiler can't generate optimal code. vek's vector types are just as convenient (if not more so), but marked #[repr(simd)] when enabled.

Matrix elements are written as mij, where i is the row index and j is the column index, independently of storage order. This convention has been chosen because it is the de facto standard.

Cargo features

  • serde makes vectors and matrices derive Serialize and Deserialize.

  • repr_simd allows Rust's repr_simd and simd_ffi features, which require Nightly, but help a lot to generate high-quality code.
  • repr_align allows Rust's repr_align features, which require Nightly. It's always safe to leave disabled, but does increase code quality a bit when enabled.
  • x86intrin enables x86 intrinsics through the x86intrin crate. vek doesn't diretcly depend on it because it won't compile on Stable and there's no way (as of this writing) to selectively depend on a crate based on the rustc version, not even via build scripts.

  • fix implements vectors and matrices of fixed-point numbers from the fix crate.
  • fpa implements vectors and matrices of fixed-point numbers from the fpa crate.
  • num-bigint implements vectors and matrices of big integers from the num-bigint crate.


This crate is #![no_std].


pub use mat::*;
pub use vec::*;



Matrix types.


Vector types.