var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["vec_map"] = {"doc":"A simple map based on a vector for small integer keys. Space requirements\nare O(highest integer key).","items":[[3,"VecMap","vec_map","A map optimized for small integer keys.",null,null],[3,"VacantEntry","","A vacant Entry.",null,null],[3,"OccupiedEntry","","An occupied Entry.",null,null],[3,"Iter","","An iterator over the key-value pairs of a map.",null,null],[3,"IterMut","","An iterator over the key-value pairs of a map, with the\nvalues being mutable.",null,null],[3,"Keys","","An iterator over the keys of a map.",null,null],[3,"Values","","An iterator over the values of a map.",null,null],[3,"IntoIter","","A consuming iterator over the key-value pairs of a map.",null,null],[4,"Entry","","A view into a single entry in a map, which may either be vacant or occupied.",null,null],[13,"Vacant","","A vacant Entry",0,null],[13,"Occupied","","An occupied Entry",0,null],[11,"clone","","",1,null],[11,"default","","",1,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"vecmap"}}],[11,"hash","","",1,null],[11,"new","","Creates an empty `VecMap`.",1,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"vecmap"}}],[11,"with_capacity","","Creates an empty `VecMap` with space for at least `capacity`\nelements before resizing.",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"usize"}],"output":{"name":"vecmap"}}],[11,"capacity","","Returns the number of elements the `VecMap` can hold without\nreallocating.",1,null],[11,"reserve_len","","Reserves capacity for the given `VecMap` to contain `len` distinct keys.\nIn the case of `VecMap` this means reallocations will not occur as long\nas all inserted keys are less than `len`.",1,null],[11,"reserve_len_exact","","Reserves the minimum capacity for the given `VecMap` to contain `len` distinct keys.\nIn the case of `VecMap` this means reallocations will not occur as long as all inserted\nkeys are less than `len`.",1,null],[11,"keys","","Returns an iterator visiting all keys in ascending order of the keys.\nThe iterator's element type is `usize`.",1,null],[11,"values","","Returns an iterator visiting all values in ascending order of the keys.\nThe iterator's element type is `&'r V`.",1,null],[11,"iter","","Returns an iterator visiting all key-value pairs in ascending order of the keys.\nThe iterator's element type is `(usize, &'r V)`.",1,null],[11,"iter_mut","","Returns an iterator visiting all key-value pairs in ascending order of the keys,\nwith mutable references to the values.\nThe iterator's element type is `(usize, &'r mut V)`.",1,null],[11,"split_off","","Splits the collection into two at the given key.",1,null],[11,"len","","Returns the number of elements in the map.",1,null],[11,"is_empty","","Returns true if the map contains no elements.",1,null],[11,"clear","","Clears the map, removing all key-value pairs.",1,null],[11,"get","","Returns a reference to the value corresponding to the key.",1,null],[11,"contains_key","","Returns true if the map contains a value for the specified key.",1,null],[11,"get_mut","","Returns a mutable reference to the value corresponding to the key.",1,null],[11,"insert","","Inserts a key-value pair into the map. If the key already had a value\npresent in the map, that value is returned. Otherwise, `None` is returned.",1,null],[11,"remove","","Removes a key from the map, returning the value at the key if the key\nwas previously in the map.",1,null],[11,"entry","","Gets the given key's corresponding entry in the map for in-place manipulation.",1,null],[11,"or_insert","","Ensures a value is in the entry by inserting the default if empty, and\nreturns a mutable reference to the value in the entry.",0,null],[11,"or_insert_with","","Ensures a value is in the entry by inserting the result of the default\nfunction if empty, and returns a mutable reference to the value in the\nentry.",0,null],[11,"insert","","Sets the value of the entry with the VacantEntry's key,\nand returns a mutable reference to it.",2,null],[11,"get","","Gets a reference to the value in the entry.",3,null],[11,"get_mut","","Gets a mutable reference to the value in the entry.",3,null],[11,"into_mut","","Converts the entry into a mutable reference to its value.",3,null],[11,"insert","","Sets the value of the entry with the OccupiedEntry's key,\nand returns the entry's old value.",3,null],[11,"remove","","Takes the value of the entry out of the map, and returns it.",3,null],[11,"fmt","","",1,null],[11,"from_iter","","",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"i"}],"output":{"name":"vecmap"}}],[11,"into_iter","","Returns an iterator visiting all key-value pairs in ascending order of\nthe keys, consuming the original `VecMap`.\nThe iterator's element type is `(usize, &'r V)`.",1,null],[11,"extend","","",1,null],[11,"extend","","",1,null],[11,"index","","",1,null],[11,"index","","",1,null],[11,"index_mut","","",1,null],[11,"index_mut","","",1,null],[11,"clone","","",4,null],[11,"next","","",4,null],[11,"size_hint","","",4,null],[11,"next_back","","",4,null],[11,"next","","",5,null],[11,"size_hint","","",5,null],[11,"next_back","","",5,null],[11,"clone","","",6,null],[11,"clone","","",7,null],[11,"next","","",6,null],[11,"size_hint","","",6,null],[11,"next_back","","",6,null],[11,"next","","",7,null],[11,"size_hint","","",7,null],[11,"next_back","","",7,null],[11,"next","","",8,null],[11,"size_hint","","",8,null],[11,"next_back","","",8,null]],"paths":[[4,"Entry"],[3,"VecMap"],[3,"VacantEntry"],[3,"OccupiedEntry"],[3,"Iter"],[3,"IterMut"],[3,"Keys"],[3,"Values"],[3,"IntoIter"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);