Crate varpro

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varpro is a crate for least squares fitting nonlinear models to observations. It works for a large class of so called separable nonlinear least squares problems. It’s fast, flexible, and it is simple to use.

§Multiple Right Hand Sides

Since version 0.8.0, support for global fitting with multiple right hand sides has been added to this library. This is a powerful technique for suitable problems and is explained at the end of this introductory chapter.


Many nonlinear models consist of a mixture of both truly nonlinear and linear model parameters. These are called separable models and can be written as a linear combination of $N_{basis}$ nonlinear model basis functions.

The purpose of this crate is to provide least squares fitting of nonlinear separable models to observations. We also aim to provide excellent usability because all too often it is overly hard to even formulate a fitting problem in code. That is why this libary provides a prototyping API that allows to formulate a fitting problem in a few lines of code using the SeparableModelBuilder. For suitable problems this is likely already many times faster than just using nonlinear least squares solvers directly. This is because this crates takes advantage of the Variable Projection (VarPro) algorithm for fitting, which utilizes the separable structure of the model.

To shave off the last couple hundreds of microseconds, you can manually implement the SeparableNonlinearModel trait directly. The test and benchmark suite of this crate should give you a good idea of how fast the fitting can be and how to e.g. take advantage of caching intermediate results.

§The Fitting Problem

Consider a data vector of observations $\vec{y}= (y_1,\dots,y_{N_{data}})^T$. Our goal is to fit a nonlinear, separable model $f$ to the data. Because the model is separable we can write it as

\vec{f}(\vec{\alpha},\vec{c}) = \sum_{j=1}^{N_{basis}} c_j \vec{f}_j(S_j(\vec{\alpha}))

Lets look at the components of this equation in more detail. The vector valued function $\vec{f}(\vec{\alpha},\vec{c}) \in \mathbb{C}^{N_{data}}$ is the model we want to fit. It depends on two vector valued parameters:

  • $\vec{\alpha}=(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_{N_{params}})^T$ is the vector of nonlinear model parameters. We will get back to these later.
  • $\vec{c}=(c_1,\dots,c_{N_{basis}})^T$ is the vector of coefficients for the basis functions. Those are the linear model parameters.

Note that we call $\vec{\alpha}$ the nonlinear parameters and $\vec{c}$ the coefficients of the model just to make the distinction between the two types of parameters clear. The coefficients are the linear parameters of the model, while $\vec{\alpha}$ are the nonlinear parameters. Of course the model itself is parametrized on both $\vec{\alpha}$ and $\vec{c}$.

Let’s look at the individual basis functions $\vec{f}_j$ in more detail and also why the heck we made the basis functions depend this weird $S_j(\vec{\alpha})$.

§Model Parameters and Basis Functions

The model itself is given as a linear combination of nonlinear basis functions $\vec{f}_j$ with expansion coefficient $c_j$. The basis functions themselves only depend on a subset $S_j(\vec{\alpha})$ of the nonlinear model parameters $\vec{\alpha}$. Each basis function can depend on a different subset, but there is no restriction on which parameters a function can depend on. Arbitrary functions might share none of, some of, or all of the parameters. It’s also fine for functions to depend on parameters that are exclusive to them.

§What VarPro Computes

This crate finds the parameters $\vec{\alpha}$ and $\vec{c}$ that fit the model $\vec{f}(\vec{\alpha},\vec{c})$ to the observations $\vec{y}$ using a least squares metric. Formally, varpro finds

\arg\min_{\vec{\alpha},\vec{c}} ||\mathbf{W}(\vec{y}-\vec{f}(\vec{\alpha},\vec{c}))||_2^2,

where $\mathbf{W}$ is a weight matrix that can be set to the identity matrix for unweighted least squares.

§What Makes VarPro Special

The Variable Projection algorithm takes advantage of the fact that the model is a mix of linear and nonlinear parts. VarPro uses a clever algorithmic trick to cast the minimization into a problem that only depends on the nonlinear model parameters $\vec{\alpha}$ and lets a nonlinear optimization backend handle this reduced problem. This crate uses the levenberg_marquardt crate as it’s optimization backend. Other optimization backends are planned for future releases.

The VarPro algorithm implemented here follows (O’Leary2013), but uses use the Kaufman approximation to calculate the Jacobian.

§Usage and Examples

The first step in using this crate is to formulate the fitting problem. This is done by either creating a type that implements the SeparableNonlinearModel trait or by using the SeparableModelBuilder to create a model in a few lines of code. See the examples for the trait and the builder how to use either to generate a separable nonlinear model.

The builder is great for getting started quickly and is already much faster than using a nonlinear least squares solver directly. For maximum performance, you can look into implementing the trait manually.

let model = /* generate model here */

The second step is to use a nonlinear minimization backend to find the parameters that fit the model to the data. Right now the available backend is the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm using the levenberg_marquardt crate. Thus, cast the fitting problem into a LevMarProblem using the LevMarProblemBuilder.

To build the fitting problem, we need to provide the model, and the observations. The initial guess for the nonlinear parameters $\vec{\alpha}$ is a property of the model.

use varpro::solvers::levmar::LevMarProblemBuilder;
let problem = LevMarProblemBuilder::new(model)

Next, solve the fitting problem using the LevMarSolver, which is an alias for the LevenbergMarquardt struct and allows to set additional parameters of the algorithm before performing the minimization.

The simplest way of performing the minimization (without setting any additional parameters for the minimization is like so:

use varpro::solvers::levmar::LevMarSolver;
let fit_result = LevMarSolver::default().fit(problem).unwrap();

Finally, check the minimization report and, if successful, retrieve the nonlinear parameters $\alpha$ using the LevMarProblem::params and the linear coefficients $\vec{c}$ using LevMarProblem::linear_coefficients

Fit Statistics: To get additional statistical information after the fit has finished, use the LevMarSolver::fit_with_statistics method.

let alpha = fit_result.nonlinear_parameters();
let coeff = fit_result.linear_coefficients().unwrap();

If the minimization was successful, the nonlinear parameters $\vec{\alpha}$ are now stored in the variable alpha and the linear coefficients $\vec{c}$ are stored in coeff.

§Example: Double Exponential Fitting


The following example demonstrates how to fit a double exponential decay model with constant offset to observations $\vec{y}$ obtained at grid points $\vec{x}$. The model itself is a vector valued function with the same number of elements as $\vec{x}$ and $\vec{y}$. The component at index k is given by

(\vec{f}(\vec{x},\vec{\alpha},\vec{c}))_k= c_1 \exp\left(-x_k/\tau_1\right)+c_2 \exp\left(-x_k/\tau_2\right)+c_3,

which is just a fancy way of saying that the exponential functions are applied element-wise to the vector $\vec{x}$.

We can see that the model depends on the nonlinear parameters $\vec{\alpha}=(\tau_1,\tau_2)^T$ and the linear coefficients $\vec{c}=(c_1,c_2,c_3)^T$. Both exponential functions can be modeled as an exponential decay with signature $\vec{f}_j(\vec{x},\tau)$. In varpro, the basis functions must take $\vec{x}$ by reference and a number of parameters as further scalar arguments. So the decay is implemented as:

use nalgebra::DVector;
fn exp_decay(x :&DVector<f64>, tau : f64) -> DVector<f64> {|x|(-x/tau).exp())

For our separable model we also need the partial derivatives of the basis functions with respect to all the parameters that each basis function depends on. Thus, in this case we have to provide $\partial/\partial\tau\,\vec{f}_j(\vec{x},\tau)$.

use nalgebra::DVector;
fn exp_decay_dtau(tvec: &DVector<f64>,tau: f64) -> DVector<f64> {|t| (-t / tau).exp() * t / tau.powi(2))

We’ll see in the example how the function method and the partial_deriv methods let us add the function and the derivative as base functions.

There is a second type of basis function, which corresponds to coefficient $c_3$. This is a constant function returning a vector of ones. It does not depend on any parameters, which is why there is a separate way of adding these types of invariant functions to the model. For that, use invariant_function of the SeparableModelBuilder.

§Example Code

Using the functions above our example code of fitting a linear model to a vector of data y obtained at grid points x looks like this:

use nalgebra::DVector;
use varpro::prelude::*;
use varpro::solvers::levmar::{LevMarProblemBuilder, LevMarSolver};

// 1. create the model by giving only the nonlinear parameter names it depends on
let model = SeparableModelBuilder::<f64>::new(&["tau1", "tau2"])
    // add the first exponential decay and its partial derivative to the model
    // give all parameter names that the function depends on
    // and subsequently provide the partial derivative for each parameter
    .function(&["tau1"], exp_decay)
    .partial_deriv("tau1", exp_decay_dtau)
    // add the second exponential decay and its partial derivative to the model
    .function(&["tau2"], exp_decay)
    .partial_deriv("tau2", exp_decay_dtau)
    // add the constant as a vector of ones as an invariant function
    // the independent variable (x-axis) is the same for all basis functions
    // the initial guess for the nonlinear parameters is tau1=1, tau2=5
    // build the model
// 2.,3: Cast the fitting problem as a nonlinear least squares minimization problem
let problem = LevMarProblemBuilder::new(model)
// 4. Solve using the fitting problem
let fit_result = LevMarSolver::default()
    .expect("fit must succeed");
// the nonlinear parameters after fitting
// they are in the same order as the parameter names given to the model
let alpha = fit_result.nonlinear_parameters();
// the linear coefficients after fitting
// they are in the same order as the basis functions that were added to the model
let c = fit_result.linear_coefficients().unwrap();

§Example 2: Mixed exponential and trigonometric model

This example is taken from the matlab code that is published as part of the O’Leary 2013 paper and fits a mixed exponential and trigonometric model to some noisy and weighted data.

In keeping with the element-wise notation above, we can write the model as

(\vec{f}(\vec{x},\vec{\alpha},\vec{c}))_k = c_1 \exp(-\alpha_2 x_k)\cdot\cos(\alpha_3 x_k)
    + c_2 \exp(-\alpha_1 x_k)\cdot\cos(\alpha_2 x_k).

The code to fit this model to some data is given below. Note also that weights are given for the data points.

use nalgebra::DVector;
use varpro::prelude::*;
use varpro::solvers::levmar::{LevMarProblemBuilder, LevMarSolver};

// build the model
fn phi1(t: &DVector<f64>, alpha2: f64, alpha3: f64) -> DVector<f64> {|t| f64::exp(-alpha2 * t) * f64::cos(alpha3 * t))
fn phi2(t: &DVector<f64>, alpha1: f64, alpha2: f64) -> DVector<f64> {|t| f64::exp(-alpha1 * t) * f64::cos(alpha2 * t))
// the data, weight and initial guesses for our fitting problem

let t = DVector::from_vec(vec![
    0., 0.1, 0.22, 0.31, 0.46, 0.50, 0.63, 0.78, 0.85, 0.97,
let y = DVector::from_vec(vec![
    6.9842, 5.1851, 2.8907, 1.4199, -0.2473, -0.5243, -1.0156, -1.0260, -0.9165, -0.6805,
let w = DVector::from_vec(vec![1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5]);
let initial_guess = vec![0.5, 2., 3.];

let model = SeparableModelBuilder::new(["alpha1", "alpha2", "alpha3"])
    // phi 1
    .function(["alpha2", "alpha3"], phi1)
    .partial_deriv("alpha2", |t: &DVector<f64>, alpha2: f64, alpha3: f64| {
        phi1(t, alpha2, alpha3).component_mul(&(-1. * t))
    .partial_deriv("alpha3", |t: &DVector<f64>, alpha2: f64, alpha3: f64| {|t| -t * (-alpha2 * t).exp() * (alpha3 * t).sin())
    .function(["alpha1", "alpha2"], phi2)
    .partial_deriv("alpha1", |t: &DVector<f64>, alpha1: f64, alpha2: f64| {
        phi2(t, alpha1, alpha2).component_mul(&(-1. * t))
    .partial_deriv("alpha2", |t: &DVector<f64>, alpha1: f64, alpha2: f64| {|t| -t * (-alpha1 * t).exp() * (alpha2 * t).sin())

// describe the fitting problem
let problem = LevMarProblemBuilder::new(model)

// fit the data
let fit_result = LevMarSolver::default()
                .expect("fit must succeed");
// the nonlinear parameters
let alpha = fit_result.nonlinear_parameters();
// the linear coefficients
let c  = fit_result.linear_coefficients().unwrap();

§Global Fitting with Multiple Right Hand Sides

Instead of fitting a single data vector (i.e. a single right hand side), this library can also solve a related, but slightly different problem. This is the problem of global fitting for multiple right hand sides. The problem statement is the following:

  • We have not only one observation but a set $\{\vec{y}_s\}$, $s=1,...,S$ of observations.
  • We want to fit the separable nonlinear function $\vec{f}(\vec{\alpha},\vec{c})$ to all vectors of observations, but in such a way that the linear parameters are allowed to vary with $s$, but the nonlinear parameters are the same for the whole dataset.

This is called global fitting with multiple right hand sides, because the nonlinear parameters are not allowed to change and are optimized for the complete dataset, whereas the linear parameters are allowed to vary with each vector of observations. This is an application where varpro really shines. Note that it is not the same as fitting the data vectors independently. For a more in depth explanation see my article here.

To take advantage of global fitting we don’t need to change anything about the model, we just have to make a slight modification to the way we build a problem.


// use the model as before but now invoke the `mrhs`
// constructor for the fitting problem
let problem = LevMarProblemBuilder::mrhs(model)
// the observations is a matrix where each column vector represents
// a single observation

// fit the data
let fit_result = LevMarSolver::default()
                .expect("fit must succeed");

// the nonlinear parameters
// these parameters are fitted globally, meaning they
// are the same for each observation. Hence alpha is a single
// vector of parameters.
let alpha = fit_result.nonlinear_parameters();

// the linear coefficients
// those are a matrix for global fitting with multiple right hand sides.
// Each colum corresponds to the linear coefficients for the same column
// in the matrix of observations Y.
let C  = fit_result.linear_coefficients().unwrap();

The main difference to fitting problems with a single right hand side is that the observations now become a matrix. Each column of this matrix is an observation. Since the linear coefficients are allowed to vary, they now also become a matrix instead of a single vector. Each column corresponds to the best fit linear coefficients of the observations in the same matrix column.

§References and Further Reading

(O’Leary2013) O’Leary, D.P., Rust, B.W. Variable projection for nonlinear least squares problems. Comput Optim Appl 54, 579–593 (2013). DOI: 10.1007/s10589-012-9492-9

attention: the O’Leary paper contains errors that are fixed in this blog article of mine.

(Golub2003) Golub, G. , Pereyra, V Separable nonlinear least squares: the variable projection method and its applications. Inverse Problems 19 R1 (2003)


  • helper implementation to make working with basis functions more seamless
  • code pertaining to building and working with separable models
  • commonly useful imports
  • solvers for the nonlinear minimization problem
  • statistics of the fit
  • helper module containing some commonly useful types implemented in the nalgebra crate