Function varlink::listen

source ·
pub fn listen<S: ?Sized + AsRef<str>, H: ConnectionHandler + Send + Sync + 'static>(
    handler: H,
    address: &S,
    initial_worker_threads: usize,
    max_worker_threads: usize,
    idle_timeout: u64
) -> Result<()>
Expand description

listen creates a server, with num_worker threads listening on varlink_uri.

If an idle_timeout != 0 is specified, this function returns after the specified amount of seconds, if no new connection is made in that time frame. It still waits for all pending connections to finish.


 extern crate failure;
 extern crate varlink;
 use failure::Fail;

 let service = varlink::VarlinkService::new(
     "test service",
     vec![/* Your varlink interfaces go here */],

 if let Err(e) = varlink::listen(service, "unix:test_listen_timeout", 1, 10, 1) {
     if e.kind() != varlink::ErrorKind::Timeout {
         panic!("Error listen: {:?}", e.cause());


You don’t have to use this simple server. With the VarlinkService::handle() method you can implement your own server model using whatever framework you prefer.