initSidebarItems({"constant":[["VARINT_32_MAX_BYTES","The maximum number of bytes used by a 32-bit Varint"],["VARINT_64_MAX_BYTES","The maximum number of bytes used by a 32-bit Varint"]],"fn":[["decode_unsigned_varint32","Decodes an unsigned varint32, returning a result of either a u32 or a string explaining the error"],["decode_unsigned_varint64","Decodes an unsigned varint64, returning a result of either a u64 or a string explaining the error"],["encode_signed_varint32","Encodes a signed i32 as a Varint"],["encode_signed_varint64","Encodes a signed i64 as a Varint"],["encode_unsigned_varint32","Encodes an unsigned u32 as a Varint, returning the Varint."],["encode_unsigned_varint64","Encodes an unsigned u64 as a Varint, returning the Varint"],["zigzag_signed_int","Transforms a signed int to an unsigned int via zig-zag transformation"],["zigzag_signed_long","Transforms a signed long to an unsigned long via zig-zag transformation"],["zigzag_unsigned_int","Transforms an unsigned int to a signed int via zig-zag transformation"],["zigzag_unsigned_long","Transforms an unsignigned long to a signed long via zig-zag transformation"]],"struct":[["Varint","A struct defining a variable-length integer"]]});