utote 0.1.5

Stack allocated uint multiset, with optional SIMD implementations.
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Stack allocated uint multiset, with optional SIMD implementations.

:warning: This crate is not stable: expect API changes with each release.

Segregated use of packed_simd_2 behind feature flags, requires nightly. The scalar multiset implementation is usable on stable.

Inspired by nalgebra and simba.

Why macros?

Why not simba?

Why packed_simd?

The compiler is very good at auto-vectorising in micro-benchmarks, but use explicit simd along with compiler flags to ensure that vectorised code is being emitted.

Basic Example

use utote::Multiset;


  • Utilise const generics when fully stable.
  • Use std::simd when that is also stable.
  • Use simba if features expand to capture everything available in packed_simd or std::simd.


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at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


May rename to Asimdtote.