Attribute Macro utoipa::path

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Path attribute macro

This is a #[derive] implementation for Path trait. Macro accepts set of attributes that can be used to configure and override default values what are resolved automatically.

You can use the Rust’s own #[deprecated] attribute on functions to mark it as deprecated and it will reflect to the generated OpenAPI spec. Only parameters has a special deprecated attribute to define them as deprecated.

#[deprecated] attribute supports adding addtional details such as a reason and or since version but this is is not supported in OpenAPI. OpenAPI has only a boolean flag to determine deprecation. While it is totally okay to declare deprecated with reason #[deprecated = "There is better way to do this"] the reason would not render in OpenAPI spec.

Path Attributes

  • operation Must be first parameter! Accepted values are known http operations suchs as get, post, put, delete, head, options, connect, patch, trace.
  • path Must be OpenAPI format compatible str with arguments withing curly braces. E.g {id}
  • operation_id Unique operation id for the enpoint. By default this is mapped to function name.
  • tag Can be used to group operations. Operations with same tag are groupped together. By default this is derived from the handler that is given to OpenApi. If derive results empty str then default value crate is used instead.
  • request_body Defining request body indicates that the request is expecting request body within the performed request.
  • responses Slice of responses the endpoint is going to possibly return to the caller.
  • params Slice of params that the endpoint accepts.
  • security List of SecurityRequirements local to the path operation.

Note! when actix_extras feature is enabled the operation and path declaration may be omitted since they are resolved from actix-web attributes. Also params may leave the type definition out since it will be derived from function arguments. See the example in examples section.

Request Body Attributes

  • content Can be used to define the content object. Should be an identifier, slice or option E.g. Pet or [Pet] or Option<Pet>.
  • description Define the description for the request body object as str.
  • content_type Can be used to override the default behaviour of auto resolving the content type from the content attribute. If defined the value should be valid content type such as application/json. By default the content type is text/plain for primitive Rust types and application/json for struct and complex enum types.

Request body supports following formats:

request_body(content = String, description = "Xml as string request", content_type = "text/xml"),
request_body = Pet,
request_body = Option<[Pet]>,
  1. First is the long representation of the request body definition.
  2. Second is the quick format which only defines the content object type.
  3. Last one is same quick format but only with optional request body.

Responses Attributes

  • status Is valid http status code. E.g. 200
  • description Define description for the response as str.
  • body Optional response body object type. When left empty response does not expect to send any response body. Should be an identifier or slice. E.g Pet or [Pet]
  • content_type Can be used to override the default behaviour of auto resolving the content type from the body attribute. If defined the value should be valid content type such as application/json. By default the content type is text/plain for primitive Rust types and application/json for struct and complex enum types. Content type can also be slice of content_type values if the endpoint support returning multiple response content types. E.g ["application/json", "text/xml"] would indicate that endpoint can return both json and xml formats.
  • headers Slice of response headers that are returned back to a caller.
  • example Can be either json!(...) or literal str that can be parsed to json. json! should be something that serde_json::json! can parse as a serde_json::Value. 1

Minimal response format:

(status = 200, description = "success response")

Response with all possible values:

(status = 200, description = "Success response", body = Pet, content_type = "application/json",
    example = json!({"id": 1, "name": "bob the cat"})

Response with multiple response content types:

(status = 200, description = "Success response", body = Pet, content_type = ["application/json", "text/xml"])

Response Header Attributes

  • name Name of the header. E.g. x-csrf-token
  • type Addtional type of the header value. Type is defined after name with equals sign before the type. Type should be identifer or slice of identifiers. E.g. String or [String]
  • description Can be used to define optional description for the response header as str.

Header supported formats:

("x-csrf-token" = String, description = "New csfr token"),

Params Attributes

  • name Must be the first argument. Define the name for parameter.
  • parameter_type Define possible type for the parameter. Type should be an identifer, slice or option. E.g. String or [String] or Option<String>. Parameter type is placed after name with equals sign E.g. "id" = String
  • in Must be placed after name or parameter_type. Define the place of the parameter. E.g. path, query, header, cookie
  • deprecated Define whether the parameter is deprecated or not.
  • description Define possible description for the parameter as str.

Params supports following representation formats:

("id" = String, path, deprecated, description = "Pet database id"),
("id", path, deprecated, description = "Pet database id"),

Security Requirement Attributes

  • name Define the name for security requirement. This must match to name of existing SecuritySchema.
  • scopes Define the list of scopes needed. These must be scopes defined already in existing SecuritySchema.

Security Requirement supported formats:

("name" = []),
("name" = ["scope1", "scope2"]),

Leaving empty () creates an empty SecurityRequirement this is useful when security requirement is optional for operation.


Example with all possible arguments.

   operation_id = "custom_post_pet",
   path = "/pet",
   tag = "pet_handlers",
   request_body(content = Pet, description = "Pet to store the database", content_type = "application/json"),
        (status = 200, description = "Pet stored successfully", body = Pet, content_type = "application/json",
                ("x-cache-len" = String, description = "Cache length")
            example = json!({"id": 1, "name": "bob the cat"})
     ("x-csrf-token" = String, header, deprecated, description = "Current csrf token of user"),
       ("my_auth" = ["read:items", "edit:items"]),
       ("token_jwt" = [])
fn post_pet(pet: Pet) -> Pet {
    Pet {
        id: 4,
        name: "bob the cat".to_string(),

More minimal example with the defaults.

   path = "/pet",
   request_body = Pet,
        (status = 200, description = "Pet stored successfully", body = Pet,
                ("x-cache-len", description = "Cache length")
     ("x-csrf-token", header, description = "Current csrf token of user"),
fn post_pet(pet: Pet) -> Pet {
    Pet {
        id: 4,
        name: "bob the cat".to_string(),

With actix_extras feature enabled the you can leave out definitions for path, operation and parmater types 2.

use actix_web::{get, web, HttpResponse, Responder};
use serde_json::json;

/// Get Pet by id
        (status = 200, description = "Pet found from database")
        ("id", description = "Pet id"),
async fn get_pet_by_id(id: web::Path<i32>) -> impl Responder {
    HttpResponse::Ok().json(json!({ "pet": format!("{:?}", &id.into_inner()) }))

Use of Rust’s own #[deprecated] attribute will refect to the generated OpenAPI spec and mark this operation as deprecated.

        (status = 200, description = "Pet found from database")
        ("id", description = "Pet id"),
async fn get_pet_by_id(id: web::Path<i32>) -> impl Responder {
    HttpResponse::Ok().json(json!({ "pet": format!("{:?}", &id.into_inner()) }))

  1. json feature need to be enabled for json!(...) type to work. 

  2. actix_extras feature need to be enabled and actix-web framework must be declared in your Cargo.toml