Expand description

A Rust crate for parsing utmp files like /var/run/utmp and /var/log/wtmp.


Simplest way is to use parse_from_* functions, which returns a Vec<UtmpEntry> on success:

let entries = utmp_rs::parse_from_path("/var/run/utmp")?;
// ...

If you don’t need to collect them all, UtmpParser can be used as an iterator:

use utmp_rs::UtmpParser;
for entry in UtmpParser::from_path("/var/run/utmp")? {
    let entry = entry?;
    // ...

All the parse_from_* functions as well as UtmpParser parse utmp file based on the native format for the target platform. If cross-platform parsing is needed, Utmp32Parser or Utmp64Parser can be used instead of UtmpParser.


Parsed utmp entry.


Parse utmp entries from the given file.

Parse utmp entries from the given path.

Parse utmp entries from the given reader.

Type Definitions

Parser to parse a 32-bit utmp file.

Parser to parse a 64-bit utmp file.

Parser to parse a utmp file. It can be used as an iterator.