userstyles 0.1.1

API bindings for
# Userstyles [![Build Status]]

#### [Documentation]

`Userstyles` provides API bindings for ``.
This makes it possible to get styles, their settings and other metadata.

For getting all information about a style you can use `get_style`.

use userstyles::get_style;

// Style URL: ""
let style = get_style(37035);

If you just want to access the css with the default settings you can
use the `get_css` method with `None` as parameter.

use userstyles::response::Style;

let style = Style::default();

let css = style.get_css(None);

If you are interested in the css, but want to change the settings,
you can also use `get_css`. This takes a `HashMap` with all keys and values you want to set.
You can get all the available settings from `Style.style_settings`.

The API requires all keys to start with `ik-`, so this is added automatically by
`get_css`. The `install_key` of `StyleSetting` does not start with
`ik-` and works without modification. But when getting keys from differen sources,
please make sure they do not start with `ik-`.

use userstyles::response::Style;
use std::collections::HashMap;

let style = Style::default();
let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert(String::from("ACCENTCOLOR"), String::from("#f00ba2"));

let css = style.get_css(Some(map));