initSidebarItems({"fn":[["from_hex","Convert the given hex character into its numeric value."],["lossy_utf8_percent_decode","Percent-decode the given bytes, and decode the result as UTF-8."],["percent_decode","Percent-decode the given bytes."],["percent_decode_to","Percent-decode the given bytes, and push the result to `output`."],["percent_encode","Percent-encode the given bytes."],["percent_encode_to","Percent-encode the given bytes, and push the result to `output`."],["utf8_percent_encode","Percent-encode the UTF-8 encoding of the given string."],["utf8_percent_encode_to","Percent-encode the UTF-8 encoding of the given string, and push the result to `output`."]],"static":[["DEFAULT_ENCODE_SET","This encode set is used for path components."],["FORM_URLENCODED_ENCODE_SET","This encode set is used in `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` serialization."],["HTTP_VALUE_ENCODE_SET","This encode set is used for HTTP header values and is defined at"],["PASSWORD_ENCODE_SET","This encode set should be used when setting the password field of a parsed URL."],["QUERY_ENCODE_SET","This encode set is used in the URL parser for query strings."],["SIMPLE_ENCODE_SET","This encode set is used for fragment identifier and non-relative scheme data."],["USERINFO_ENCODE_SET","This encode set is used in the URL parser for usernames and passwords."],["USERNAME_ENCODE_SET","This encode set should be used when setting the username field of a parsed URL."]],"struct":[["EncodeSet","Represents a set of characters / bytes that should be percent-encoded."]]});