Crate uritemplate [] [src]

rust-uritemplate is a Rust implementation of RFC6570 - URI Template that can process URI Templates up to and including ones designated as Level 4 by the specification. It passes all of the tests in the uritemplate-test test suite.

Basic Usage

Variable setting can be chained for nice, clean code.

extern crate uritemplate;
use uritemplate::UriTemplate;

let uri = UriTemplate::new("/view/{object:1}/{/object,names}{?query*}")
    .set("object", "lakes")
    .set("names", &["Erie", "Superior", "Ontario"])
    .set("query", &[("size", "15"), ("lang", "en")])

assert_eq!(uri, "/view/l/lakes/Erie,Superior,Ontario?size=15&lang=en");

It is not possible to set a variable to the value "undefined". Instead, simply delete the variable if you have already set it.

let mut t = UriTemplate::new("{hello}");
t.set("hello", "Hello World!");
assert_eq!(, "Hello%20World%21");

assert_eq!(, "");

The delete function returns true if the variable existed and false otherwise.

Supported Types

Any type that implements IntoTemplateVar can be set as the value of a UriTemplate variable. The following implementations are provided by default for each type of variable:

  • Scalar Values: String, &str
  • Lists: Vec<String>, &[String], &[str]
  • Associative Arrays: Vec<(String, String)>, &[(String, String)], &[(&str, &str)], &HashMap<String, String>

In addition, you can implement IntoTemplateVar for your own types. View the documentation for IntoTemplateVar for information on how that works.



The main struct that processes and builds URI Templates.



TemplateVar represents the value of a template variable, which can be a scalar (a simple string), a list of strings, or an associative array of strings.



IntoTemplateVar represents any type that can be converted into a TemplateVar for use as the value of a template variable, such as a String, Vec<String>, or Vec<(String, String)>. Default implementations are available for those three types, as well as the &str versions.