uplink-sys 0.1.1

Unsafe rust bindings for libuplink - the storj protocol library.
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Visit the last successful build: uplink-sys-0.6.1


Actions Status

This crate provides Rust bindings to uplink-c, the C interface for the storj uplink API library.

TODO is the safe wrapper crate for this library.

Building (from repo)


  • Install Go
  • Install Rust
  • Install GCC and make
    sudo apt install build-essential
  • Install libclang (required by bindgen for generating platform specific c bindings)
    sudo apt install libclang-dev
  • Checkout this repo
  • Build crate
    make build (from uplink-sys directory)


  • Install Go
  • Install Rust
  • Checkout this repo
  • Build crate
    make build (from uplink-sys directory)

Building (from crates.io) (TODO ONCE CRATE IS PUBLISHED)


  • Install Go
  • Install libclang (required by bindgen for generating platform specific c bindings)
  • Add uplink-sys to Cargo.toml



To allow the integrations tests access to the test project, create a file in this directory with the satellite address and api key for running tests.
Do not commit this file to the repo.



make test


For a usage example see examples/list_buckets. This contains a rust project that lists buckets for a project, you just need to add access parameters. TODO is a safe library crate wrapping this sys crate so more examples using the wrapper library can be found there.