Expand description


Acceleration (base unit meter per second squared, m · s⁻²).

Amount of substance (base unit mole, mol).

Angle (dimensionless quantity).

Angular acceleration (base unit radian per second squared, s⁻²).

Angular jerk (base unit radian per second cubed, s⁻³).

Angular velocity (base unit radian per second, s⁻¹).

Area (base unit square meter, m²).

Available energy (base unit joule per kilogram, m² · s⁻²).

Quantity type aliases using the default base units.

Quantity type aliases using the default base units.

Quantity type aliases using the default base units.

Capacitance (base unit farad, m⁻² · kg⁻¹ · s⁴ · A²).

Catalytic activity (base unit katal, mol · s⁻¹).

Catalytic activity concentration (base unit katal per cubic meter, mol · s⁻¹ · m⁻³).

Curvature (base unit radian per meter, m⁻¹).

Electric charge (base unit coulomb, A · s).

Electric current (base unit ampere, A).

Electric potential (base unit volt, m² · kg · s⁻³ · A⁻¹).

Electrical conductance (base unit siemens, m⁻² · kg⁻¹ · s³ · A²).

Electrical resistance (base unit ohm, m² · kg · s⁻³ · A⁻²).

Energy (base unit joule, kg · m² · s⁻²).

Quantity type aliases using the default base units.

Quantity type aliases using the default base units.

Utilities for formatting and printing quantities.

Force (base unit newton, kg · m · s⁻²).

Frequency (base unit hertz, s⁻¹).

Heat capacity (base unit joule per kelvin, kg · m² · s⁻² · K⁻¹).

Heat flux density (base unit watt per square meter, kg · s⁻³).

Heat transfer (base unit watt per square meter kelvin, kg · s⁻³ · K⁻¹).

Quantity type aliases using the default base units.

Quantity type aliases using the default base units.

Inductance (base unit henry, m² · kg · s⁻² · A⁻²).

Information (dimensionless quantity).

Information rate (base unit byte per second, s⁻¹).

Quantity type aliases using the default base units.

Jerk (base unit meter per second cubed, m · s⁻³).

Length (base unit meter, m).

Luminance (base unit candela per square meter, cd · m⁻²).

Luminous intensity (base unit candela, cd).

Magnetic flux (base unit weber, m² · kg · s⁻² · A⁻¹).

Magnetic flux density (base unit tesla, kg · s⁻² · A⁻¹).

Primitive traits and types representing basic properties of types specific to the SI.

Mass (base unit kilogram, kg).

Mass concentration (base unit kilogram per cubic meter, kg · m⁻³).

Mass density (base unit kilogram per cubic meter, kg · m⁻³).

Mass rate (base unit kilogram per second, kg · s⁻¹).

Molar concentration (base unit mole per cubic meter, mol · m⁻³).

Molar energy (base unit joule per mole, kg · m² · s⁻² · mol⁻¹).

Molar heat capacity (base unit joule per kelvin mole, m² · kg · s⁻² · K⁻¹ · mol⁻¹).

Molar mass (base unit kilogram per mole, kg · mol⁻¹).

Momentum (base unit kilogram meter per second, kg · m · s⁻¹).

Power (base unit watt, m² · kg · s⁻³).

Pressure (base unit pascal, kg · m⁻¹ · s⁻²).

Quantity type aliases using the default base units and parameterized on the underlying storage type.

Radiant exposure (base unit joule per square meter, kg · s⁻²).

Ratio (dimensionless quantity).

Quantity type aliases using the default base units.

Quantity type aliases using the default base units.

Quantity type aliases using the default base units.

Solid angle (dimensionless quantity).

Specific heat capacity (base unit joule per kilogram kelvin, m² · s⁻² · K⁻¹).

Temperature interval (base unit kelvin, K).

Thermal conductivity (base unit watt per meter kelvin, kg · m · s⁻³ · K⁻¹).

Thermodynamic temperature (base unit kelvin, K).

Time (base unit second, s).

Torque (aka moment of force) (base unit newton meter, kg · m² · s⁻²).

Quantity type aliases using the default base units.

Quantity type aliases using the default base units.

Quantity type aliases using the default base units.

Velocity (base unit meter per second, m · s⁻¹).

Volume (base unit cubic meter, m³).

Volume rate (base unit cubic meter per second, m³ · s⁻¹).


Property of a phenomenon, body or substance, where the property has a magnitude that can be expressed as a number and a reference.


Marker trait to express the dependence of a quantity on the base quantities of a system of quantities as a product of powers of factors corresponding to the base quantities, omitting any numerical factor.

Trait to identify measurement units of individual quantities.

Marker trait to identify a system of units based on a set of base units of a system of quantities.

Type Definitions

Type alias for dimension one for which all the exponents of the factors corresponding to the base quantities are zero.