Crate unique_type_id [] [src]

A unique id generator for rust types.

The crate provides a trait and a procedural macro. By deriving one, you implement the trait with fn id() -> TypeId static method which is unique in the whole project. Call API methods to interact with the service directly or user an iterator-like interface to

For examples, see the tests directory in the source tree.

# Usage

extern crate unique_type_id_derive;
extern crate unique_type_id;

fn sequential_id() {
    use unique_type_id::SequentialTypeId;

    struct Test1;
    struct Test2;

    assert_eq!(Test1::id().0, 0u64);
    assert_eq!(Test2::id().0, 1u64);



A strong type for type id.



A trait for providing a sequential type id number.