uni-app 0.1.2

native/wasm compatibility layer for window creation, input and filesystem

unrust / uni-app

Build Status Documentation crates.io

This library is a part of Unrust, a pure rust native/wasm game engine. This library provides a native/wasm compatibility layer for following components :

  • Window creation
  • Input (mouse + keyboard)
  • File system (ready-only)

This project is under heavily development, all api are very unstable until version 0.2


uni-app = "0.1.*"
extern crate uni_app;

fn main() {
    // create the game window (native) or canvas (web)
    let app = uni_app::App::new(uni_app::AppConfig {
        size: (800, 600),
        title: "my game".to_owned(),
        vsync: true,
        show_cursor: true,
        headless: false,
        resizable: true,
        fullscreen: false,
    // start game loop
    app.run(move |app: &mut uni_app::App| {
        for evt in app.events.borrow().iter() {
            // print on stdout (native) or js console (web)
            uni_app::App::print(format!("{:?}\n", evt));
            // exit on key ou mouse press
            match evt {
                &uni_app::AppEvent::KeyUp(_) => {
                &uni_app::AppEvent::MouseUp(_) => {
                _ => (),


As web app (wasm32-unknown-unknown)

As of February 18 2019, both native and wasm targets compile on stable channel (rust 1.39.0 / stdweb 0.4.14).

cargo install --force cargo-web # installs web sub command
rustup target install wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo web start --example basic --release

As desktop app (native-opengl)

Native compilation works with current stable Rust (1.39)

rustup override set stable
cargo run --example basic --release


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at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.