uerr 0.1.0

A crate which provides stunning visual error handling.
  • Coverage
  • 66.67%
    12 out of 18 items documented2 out of 18 items with examples
  • Links
  • crates.io
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  • Owners
  • ImajinDevon


uerr is a crate which provides stunning visual error handling.


Using the code below, we can display a simple error and show it to the user.

use uerr::UserError;

fn sample_error() {
    UserError::from("could not open file")
        .and_reason("The system cannot find the file specified.")
        .and_help("Does this file exist?")
        .print_all("uerr/error: ");


uerr/error: could not open file
 - caused by: The system cannot find the file specified.
 + help: Does this file exist?

With multiple arguments

program.exe: could not open file
 - caused by: The system cannot find the file specified.
     |        Filler reason.
 + help: Does this file exist?
     |   Filler help.
fn sample_error() {
    UserError::from("could not open file")
        .and_reason("The system cannot find the file specified.")
        .and_reason("Filler reason.")
        .and_help("Does this file exist?")
        .and_help("Filler help.")
        .print_all("program.exe: ");

Exiting with errors

The UserError struct also supports inline exiting.

fn sample_error() {
    UserError::from("Sample Error")
        .print_all("my program: ")