var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["typemap"] = {"doc":"A type-based key value store where one value type is allowed for each key.","items":[[3,"TypeMap","typemap","A map keyed by types.",null,null],[3,"OccupiedEntry","","A view onto an occupied entry in a TypeMap.",null,null],[3,"VacantEntry","","A view onto an unoccupied entry in a TypeMap.",null,null],[4,"Entry","","A view onto an entry in a TypeMap.",null,null],[13,"Occupied","","A view onto an occupied entry in a TypeMap.",0,null],[13,"Vacant","","A view onto an unoccupied entry in a TypeMap.",0,null],[6,"SendMap","","A version of `TypeMap` containing only `Send` types.",null,null],[6,"SyncMap","","A version of `TypeMap` containing only `Sync` types.",null,null],[6,"ShareMap","","A version of `TypeMap` containing only `Send + Sync` types.",null,null],[6,"CloneMap","","A version of `TypeMap` containing only `Clone` types.",null,null],[6,"ShareCloneMap","","A version of `TypeMap` containing only `Clone + Send + Sync` types.",null,null],[8,"Key","","This trait defines the relationship between keys and values in a TypeMap.",null,null],[16,"Value","","The value type associated with this key type.",1,null],[11,"default","","",2,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"typemap"}}],[11,"clone","","",2,null],[11,"new","","Create a new, empty TypeMap.",2,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"typemap"}}],[11,"custom","","Create a new, empty TypeMap.",2,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"typemap"}}],[11,"insert","","Insert a value into the map with a specified key type.",2,null],[11,"get","","Find a value in the map and get a reference to it.",2,null],[11,"get_mut","","Find a value in the map and get a mutable reference to it.",2,null],[11,"contains","","Check if a key has an associated value stored in the map.",2,null],[11,"remove","","Remove a value from the map.",2,null],[11,"entry","","Get the given key's corresponding entry in the map for in-place manipulation.",2,null],[11,"data","","Read the underlying HashMap",2,null],[11,"data_mut","","Get a mutable reference to the underlying HashMap",2,null],[11,"len","","Get the number of values stored in the map.",2,null],[11,"is_empty","","Return true if the map contains no values.",2,null],[11,"clear","","Remove all entries from the map.",2,null],[11,"get","","Get a reference to the entry's value.",3,null],[11,"get_mut","","Get a mutable reference to the entry's value.",3,null],[11,"into_mut","","Transform the entry into a mutable reference with the same lifetime as the map.",3,null],[11,"insert","","Set the entry's value and return the previous value.",3,null],[11,"remove","","Move the entry's value out of the map, consuming the entry.",3,null],[11,"insert","","Set the entry's value and return a mutable reference to it.",4,null]],"paths":[[4,"Entry"],[8,"Key"],[3,"TypeMap"],[3,"OccupiedEntry"],[3,"VacantEntry"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);