Crate typedmap

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Provides the TypedMap type, a hash map that allows to store key-value pair of type any type (K, V) such that K implements TypedMapKey and TypedMapKey::Value is V.

use typedmap::{TypedMap, TypedMapKey};

// Define key types
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct Dog { name: String }
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct Cat { name: String }

struct Bark { volume: u32 }
struct Mew { pitch: f32 }

// Define value type for key types
impl TypedMapKey for Dog {
    type Value = Bark;
impl TypedMapKey for Cat {
    type Value = Mew;
// Create a new empty map
let mut animal_sounds: TypedMap = TypedMap::new();
// Insert data
animal_sounds.insert(Dog { name: "Spiky".into() }, Bark { volume: 80 });
animal_sounds.insert(Cat { name: "Spot".into()  }, Mew  { pitch: 12000.0 });

// Get for Dog key get value of type Bark.
let spiky_volume = animal_sounds.get(&Dog { name: "Spiky".into() }).unwrap().volume;
assert_eq!(spiky_volume, 80);

One can have multiple implementation of TypedMapKey for a given type K by specifying Marker parameter. For example, in a web service one may keep endpoint configuration and endpoint serivce in two hashmaps.

struct Configs;
struct Services;

use typedmap::{TypedMap, TypedMapKey};

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct EndpointGet(String);
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct EndpointPost(usize);

struct EndpointGetConfig(String);
struct EndpointPostConfig(usize);

struct EndpointGetService {}
struct EndpointPostService {}

impl TypedMapKey<Configs> for EndpointGet {
    type Value = EndpointGetConfig;

impl TypedMapKey<Configs> for EndpointPost {
    type Value = EndpointPostConfig;

impl TypedMapKey<Services> for EndpointGet {
    type Value = EndpointGetService;

impl TypedMapKey<Services> for EndpointPost {
    type Value = EndpointPostService;

let mut configs: TypedMap<Configs> = TypedMap::new();
let mut services: TypedMap<Services> = TypedMap::new();

configs.insert(EndpointGet("test".to_owned()), EndpointGetConfig("config".to_owned()));
configs.insert(EndpointPost(10), EndpointPostConfig(20));

services.insert(EndpointGet("test".to_owned()), EndpointGetService {});
services.insert(EndpointPost(10), EndpointPostService {});

If dashmap feature is enabled, also a dashmap-backed TypedDashMap is available which allows to perform hashmap operations concurrently.

struct Configs;
struct Serivces;

#[cfg(feature = "dashmap")]
use typedmap::{TypedDashMap, TypedMapKey};
#[cfg(feature = "dashmap")]
let mut configs: TypedDashMap<Configs> = TypedDashMap::new();

By default TypedMap accepts keys and values that implement Any trait (and of course TypedMapKey trait), while TypedDashMap requires that keys and values meet std::any::Any + Send + Sync bounds. However, both TypedMap and TypedDashMap can be parametrized with two type parameters: key bounds (KB) and value bounds (VB). This mechanism allows to restrict what kind of keys and values can be stored in the hashmap. This crate provides four kind of bounds:

  • AnyBounds - represents Any bounds (used by default in TypedMap),
  • SyncAnyBounds - represents Any + Sync + Send bounds (used by default in TypedDashMap),
  • CloneBounds (if clone feature is enabled) - represents Clone + Any bounds - allows to restrict keys/values to clonable types,
  • SyncCloneBounds (if clone feature is enabled) - represents Clone + Any + Send + Sync bounds.

These bounds can be specified in the type signature separately for keys and values, e.g.

use typedmap::{TypedMap, TypedMapKey};
use typedmap::clone::{CloneBounds};
let mut map: TypedMap::<(), CloneBounds, CloneBounds, _> = TypedMap::new_with_bounds();

It is possible to define own bounds using Bounds and HasBounds traits to add custom restrictions to values. For example, you may want to enforce that each value implements a custom Component trait. This can be done with a few lines of code using impl_custom_bounds or impl_custom_bounds_with_key_container and impl_dyn_trait_wrapper macros.

// Your custom marker (could use also () as well)
use typedmap::{impl_custom_bounds, impl_dyn_trait_wrapper,
               SyncAnyBounds, TypedDashMap, TypedMapKey};

struct Components;

// Trait that each value should implement
trait Component {
    fn is_ready(&self) -> bool;

// Bounds
struct ComponentSyncBounds;

// This defines DynComponent that will be Any + Component, used internally to keep values
impl_dyn_trait_wrapper!(DynComponent, Component);
// This defines new "bounds" struct, that requires to impl Component and uses
// dyn DynComponent + Send + Sync as a value container
impl_custom_bounds!(ComponentSyncBounds, DynComponent, Component, +Send+Sync);

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
struct RepositoryKey(usize);
struct Repository(String);

impl TypedMapKey<Components> for RepositoryKey {
    type Value = Repository;

impl Component for Repository {
    fn is_ready(&self) -> bool {

// Create a new TypedDashMap that uses Components marker, keys may be Any, but value must impl Component
let state: TypedDashMap<Components, SyncAnyBounds, ComponentSyncBounds> = TypedDashMap::new_with_bounds();
state.insert(RepositoryKey(3), Repository("three".into()));

let iter = state.iter().filter(|v| {
    // We can obtain reference to DynContainer
    let dyn_container = v.value_container_ref();
    // and from DynContainer reference to &dyn Container using as_object function
    let component = dyn_container.as_object();
assert_eq!(iter.count(), 1);

See bounds for a full example of implementation of bounds.


