Crate typedef [] [src]

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TypeDef is used to identify and compare types, as well as print their names.

If you do not need readable type name, you should use TypeId. This wrapper re-implements TypeId.

Since Rust 1.0, this library can only work on nightly Rust.

To get a name of a type:

use typedef::{ TypeDef };

assert_eq!(TypeDef::name_of::<i64>(), "i64");

Type can also serve as type identifier and name container:

use typedef::{ TypeDef };

let typedef = TypeDef::of::<i64>();

assert_eq!(typedef.get_str(), "i64");

More common usage would be in a generic method:

use std::any::Any;
use std::fmt;
use typedef::TypeDef;

fn foo<T: Any + fmt::Debug>(value: T) -> String {
        "the value of {} type is {:?}",

fn main() {
    assert_eq!(foo(15), "the value of i32 type is 15");



Create a TypeDef structure to identify a type and to print its name.